Hidden Sick

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One Direction are busily touring in order to promote their fourth album. And there's no break, even for awhile.

For Louis, their bustle really affected his appetite. That make his gastritis he have since high school, worse. But no one knows that, and he didn't really want to talk about it either.

Tonight they're ready to concert again, but because of the rush time, Louis forget to drink his medicine.

When they only sing about 2 songs, Louis start to feel the pain in his stomach. He try to hold it, but instead, his stomach felt really nauseous. So, he whisper to Harry that he want to go to the bathroom.

Harry nodded and continue to sing his part. 

Meanwhile, Louis lock the bathroom door and throwing up immediately. Luckily, it's not long and he can back just in time to sing his solo.

One hour later, his nausea back again. So, he run to bathroom and once again, expel his stomach contents to the toilet bowl.

The boys and Rick, their manager frown. The boys can't do anything, because they're still on stage. With Rick, finally he follow after him and startle when heard a retch voice from the bathroom. But he decide to wait outside until Louis stop.

A few minutes later, Louis walk out with a pain all over his face and an arm hug his stomach.

"Louis? Oh, my God! Why didn't you tell us you're sick?"

Rick put his hand on Louis's back and sit him down on the bench nearby.

"Sorry, Rick."

Louis bend over still hug his stomach with one hand, and put his forehead in another hand, hissing in pain.

"Okay, I'll grab the medicine for you."

Rick stand up, but Louis grab his hand.

"It's no need, Rick. I have my own medicine, but forget to drink it. Could you get it for me? It's in the pouch in front of my bag."

"Okay, I'll get it. Do you want a tea too?"

"Yes, please."

"Alright. Stay here, don't even think to go on stage."

Beside his condition, Louis let out a weak chuckle.

"No, Rick. I'm too sick to sing right now."

Rick nodded before walk away to grab Louis's medicine. When he's back, Louis already throw up again in the bathroom. But now, the door is open and Harry's rubbing his nape gently.


"Rick? Why didn't you tell us Louis's sick?"

"I just found out too. Let me handle it. You just go on stage and tell the others to shorten the concert, okay?"

Just then, Louis stop vomiting for awhile.

"Rick, we don't need to shorten the concert. The fans will disappointed."

"Yes, we need, Lou. You're sick. You must rest your body. Hurry up, Haz!"

Harry nodded and run on stage again. Indeed, not long after that, the concert is over. Liam, Niall and Zayn rush towards Louis and ask some questions like 'are you okay?' Or 'how do you feel now?'

"Guys! Please stop fuss over me. I'm better now."

"But still, you must tell us if you're sick, Lou," Liam said worriedly.

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just...I have this illness since high school, and I used to handle it myself, so...."

"Since high school?" The other ask in surprise.

"Yeah, it's on and off. So, I always bring the medicine anywhere. But today I forgot to drink it. I'm sorry."

"Oh, Louis."

The boys and Rick hug him in turn.

"Okay, boys! Now, let's go home. We all need a rest, especially Louis. Come on."

They all stood and walk towards the tour bus.

For the next 2 days, Louis still throwing up frequently, but in a week he's all better. Thank's to his One Direction friends and all the tour bus crew.

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