The Office

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Liam put the snacks and the tea on the tray whistling happily. His mood always lift if it's his turn to bring it to Mr. Tomlinson room, and that's not just him. The other employee also felt the same. Because well, Mr. Tomlinson is a kind guy.  He always treat his employee the same, not based by their level. Also, he often ask them to take a lunch together, and the smile always plaster on his lips.

Liam knock on Mr. Tomlinson door, but no answer. He knock again. Still no answer. Liam frown. That's unusually for his boss to not answer the knock.

Finally he peep a little to Mr. Tomlinson room. Apparently his boss is pressing his hands to his temples while closing his eyes. He looks so in pain.

Liam's frown deeper. He brave himself to greet his boss first.

"Uh, good morning, sir."

Mr. Tomlinson jump a little before open his eyes and turn his gaze to him. Almost immediately a smile adorning his lips, but this time it's look forced.

"Oh, Liam! Come on in."

Liam walk in and smile nervously. He's afraid if his appearing disturb his boss whose looks rather pale and ill.

"Hey, relax, Li. I don't bite. You know that, right?"

Mr. Tomlinson still try to make a joke in order to calm Liam down, and still try to smile. Typical him, always try to looks fine, even if he's not.

Liam chuckle a little,"yes, I know, sir, but mmm...are you okay? You look rather pale."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just a little lack of sleep."

"Oh, okay then," Liam answer hesitantly,"here's your tea and snack," he put the tray on his boss's table.

"Oh, yes. Thank you, Li," Mr. Tomlinson smile again.

"You're welcome, sir," Liam smile too and turn around, but almost immediately he turn back.

"Uh, sir?"

"Yes?" Mr. Tomlinson turn his gaze to him.

"If you need any help, with anything, please just call me."

Mr. Tomlinson lock his gaze to Liam, like considering it, then smile again.

"Okay, thank you, Li."

Liam smile in relieve and nodded.

30 minutes later, Mr. Tomlinson call him back.


"Oh, come in, Li...ow....," Mr. Tomlinson held his head.

"You okay?"

"Headache," Mr. Tomlinson hiss in pain,"would you buy me a medicine, please?"

Mr. Tomlinson gag quietly before put his palm in front of him.

"Uh, sir. Are you going to be sick?"

Mr. Tomlinson shake his head.

"I don't think so. Just a little nauseous," he smile reassuringly,"and please just call me Louis."

Liam smile too,"okay then."

Minutes later Louis already take the medicine, but he still seems a little pale.

"S-Louis, maybe you better go home and take a rest, you still look pale, you know?"

Louis sigh and rubs his temples.

"I know. I just want to lie down right now, but this report must finished today."

"What report?"


"Oh, can I help? I mean, I was take an accountancy school before, but-..."

"You did?" Louis ask surprised.


"Accountancy school?"

"Oh, yes, b-..."

"Why didn't you put it in your  application?"

Liam chuckle a little.

"Why did you chuckle?" Louis ask innocently.

"You always cut my words, Lou...uh, I mean...Louis."

"Oh, yes. I'm sorry, and Lou is nice," Louis smile.

Liam blush and smile too.

"Alright, now what do you want to talk?"

"Oh, yes. I took an accountancy school before, but never finished it."

"What? Why?"

Liam bow his head," problem."

"Oh," Louis don't know how to respond that sentence, so he just stare at Liam more longer.

Liam head more bow in ashame. He don't want another people to pitying him.

"Uhm, do you still need a help with that report?"

Liam's words pull Louis's thought right away.

"Oh, yes."

"Well, if you don't trust me I can call-..."

"No, no, no. Come on, just help me, please."

"Are you sure?" Liam ask hesitantly, because well, he's just an office boy.

"I'm sure. Come on, just sit there, okay?," Louis point to a chair across his desk.

"O-okay,"  Liam sit nervously.

Louis don't know why he trust Liam whose just an office boy. Maybe he can see the smartness in Liam's words and attitude. And indeed, his finances report finished in just a few minutes with Liam's help.

"Wow! You're really smart, Li. Thank you very much.And now, how if I raise your position to be my assistant?"

Liam taken aback a little.

"What? No, you must be kidding. I'm just an office boy. You shouldn't-..."

"I'm serious, Li. Do you want to be my assistant?"

"Uh, uh, I don't know. I mean, what about your other employee whose their level more high than me?"

"They couldn't finished the report as fast as you, and as right as you."


"Well, you don't have to make a decision now. Just consider it, please?"

"O-okay, Lou. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Li," Louis smile gently.

Indeed,a few months later Liam is Mr. Louis Tomlinson's assistant. And there's no problem with the other employees, because Liam is really really smart and kind.

Liam thanked to God, because now he can help his family more and also, he can help his favorite boss, Mr. Tomlinson.

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