At School

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Today is the first school day for Louis's daughter, Natasha. So, he must watch over her at her elementary school.

"Come on, daddy! We're almost late!"

Tasya call him when she finish wear her shoes.

"Okay, honey! In a minute!"

Louis call back from the kitchen. Seconds later he walk out while hold a water bottle.

"Here's your water, honey."

Louis put the water in her bag.

"Thank you, daddy. Come on!"

Tasya grab his hand immediately. She seems so enthusiatic to going school. Louis chuckle amusedly. He is proud that his daughter really like school. Not like another child whose sometimes afraid to going school.

About 20 minutes at school, the bell rang, a sign of the time to start studying. But apparently the studying not start yet. Its just the introduction time and the adaptation time.

In the middle of waiting, Louis stomach start to hurt again. Yes, he start to feel sick since last night actually, but the pain disappear as fast as it come.

He rub it in circle in hope to feel better, instead he feel worse. Now his stomach sloshing around until he let out a low gag. Luckily his stomach contents turn down again.

But in case he want to throw up again, he stand up to search the bathroom. He didn't want the other moms to see him sick. Imagine how ashame he is if it happens. Especially he is the only dad in there.

Just then, the teacher walk out from his daughter class. Louis walk towards her hurriedly, cause his stomach contents start to rise again.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Where's the bathroom?"

"Oh, there. You can turn right in that corner."

The teacher point to the other side of the building. Louis gag a little, he quickly clamp his mouth.

"Uh, sir-..."

The teacher want to ask if he's okay, but Louis already bolted to that direction. She frown her eyebrows.

'Poor him. Whose parent is he?'

The teacher ask to herself. She try to shrug it off, but can't. So, she try to ask her student.

"Now, kids! Is one of you come here with your dad?" She ask carefully.

Natasha raise her hand.

"It's me, Miss Selly...why?"

The teacher whose the name is Miss Selly couldn't have the heart to talk about Louis. So, she just shrug her shoulder.

"Nothing, Tas. Just want to know."

"Oh, okay then."

Tasya continue to write on her book. But Selly couldn't forget Louis's face.

'Damnit, Selly...what happen to you?'

She shake her head, and try to concentrate to teach, but it's hard with Louis's shadow that always stuck in her brain.

Meanwhile, Louis already throw up twice more, but his stomach still not feel any better.
Now he's kneeling down in front of the toilet, hugging his stomach that continue to slosh around, and it hurt so much.

'Oh, God. Please stop this, so I-...'

Louis gag and throw up again. This time its seems like he couldn't stop. He throw up over and over until he didn't hear the bell rang again, a sign that its time to stop studying for the new students.

Natasha almost cry when she didn't find Louis anywhere. A small sob escape from her mouth.

"Oh, Tasya, honey. What's wrong? Why did you cry?"

Selly wipe her tears that start to stream down.

"I-I couldn't find daddy."

Tasya answer with her small voice.

"Oh, honey. Don't worry, okay? I'll find your daddy."

"Is daddy left me?"

"What? Of course not, honey. Why did you think like that?"

"Cause I'm a naughty kid? I always throw away my toys."

"Oh..." Selly chuckle a little, but at the same time she's worried about Louis.

"No, honey. I know your daddy will not leave you. He loves you, isn't he?"

Tasya just nodded weakly.

"Okay then. I will find your daddy. You just wait in my office, alright?"

Tasya nodded again.

"Right, come on."

Selly guide Tasya to her office and sit her down.

"Alright. I will search your daddy. Don't go anywhere, okay?"

"Yes, Miss Selly. Thank you."

"Your welcome, honey."

Selly smile and turn away to start search Louis. She has a strong feeling that maybe Natasha's father is still in the bathroom. So, she walk hurriedly to there.

When she reach at the bathroom, a loud retch voice heard.

'Oh, my God. Is he sick?'

For a while she's confuse between left Louis alone or knock on the door. But when she remember Tasya's miserable face, she brave herself to finally knock on the door.

"Excuse me?"

There's a cough before the sound of toilet being flushed.


The voice from the bathroom sounds shaky.

"Uh, sorry for disturb you. But, are you Natasha's father?"

There's a rush sound before the door click open.

"Yes. What happen? Is she okay?" Louis ask panicky.

Selly taken aback by Louis appearence. He looks so pale and his hair swap around in dissaray, also there's a lot of sweat at his forehead. All in all he looks so sick.

"Uh, she's fine. It's just...she's crying now, searching for you."

"Oh, my God. Okay, okay...but, is the  school over already?"

"Yes, that's why she search for you."

"Oh,alright then. I will-..."

Louis suddenly grab his stomach and hiss in pain before walk back to the bathroom and throw up again. This time he forget to close the door. Selly wince at the retch sound.

"Uh, c-can I help you? Maybe rubs your nape?"

"N-no, I will be fine, just-..."

Louis throw up again.

"Are you sure?"

"Y-yes. J-just tell Tasya to wait, don't say I'm sick."


"And please close the door."

"Alright. I will convince her to wait for you. Anyway, she's in my office now."

"Okay,t-thank you."

Selly nodded before close the bathroom door and walk back to her office.  Just then Louis throw up again. Selly sigh sadly.

'I hope he felt better soon.'

To be continued...

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