The Caretaker

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"Hi, Nini!"

An old man greet Niall when he's back from the cafe accross The Peace House. That's the special house for the old people who have no family to take care of them.

"Hi, Mr. Landon! How are you?"

Niall answer him with a bright smile.


"Great! Do you want a sandwich?"

Niall offer a sandwich that he bought from the cafe.

"Oh, yes. Thank you."

Mr. Landon accept the sandwich before bite it a little. But it's look like he's in daze and his eyes shown a sadness.

"Hey, what's happen, Mr. Landon? Are you okay?"

Mr. Landon startle a little.

"Yes, yes. I'm fine, just...wondering where Louis is?"

Niall frown.

"Louis? Isn't he here since his shift 3 days ago?"

"Yes, but I didn't see him since this noon. I'm so worried, Ni. He looks so exhausted."


"Yeah," Mr. Landon nodded weakly.

"Okay, I'll search him. Don't worry, Mr. Landon. Just relax, alright? You must take a lot of rest. Come on, I accompany you to your room."

Niall put his hand to Mr. Landon's back and guide him to his room.

"You promise to search him?"

Mr. Landon ask hopefully when he sit on the edge of his bed.

"Yes, Mr. Landon. I promise."

"Thank you, Nini. Sorry for bothering you. It's just, you all are like my own family. Even then, my real family not treated me like you do."

Niall smile sadly. Indeed, Mr. Landon's family seems not care about him. If they care, why did they put him in this house? Whereas Mr. Landon can live with them.

"Okay, Mr. Landon. Please just take a sleep. And don't think too much. You can stress yourself if you keep thinking."

Niall rubs his back lovingly.

"Alright, Nini. Thank you very much, son."

Mr. Landon hug him before lay down and fall asleep immediately. Niall smile happily. He really loves these old persons.

Niall then turn before walk out and close the door. As his promise, he search Louis immediately. From the guest room until the bathroom.

He didn't search in Louis's room straightforwad, because Louis rarely in there. But seems like today Louis is in his room, because he's not in the places that mentioned before.

When he reach Louis's room, the door almost fully close, just leave a small gap betwen it and the doorframe.

Niall frown again. Usually Louis always let the door wide open, in case there's something wrong happen with these old people. Finally, with the hesitance, he knock the door.

"Louis, are you there?"

There's a low whimper. Niall's frown deeper. He push open the door just in time to see Louis jolt upright before gag to a small plastic bag.


Niall rush toward him.


Louis turn his head for a while before gag again. Niall rubs his nape soothingly.

"Oh,'re burning up, Lou."

Louis just continue to throw up until finally Niall put the bucket in front of him and throw away the plastic bag.

15 minutes later Louis stop, and just cough a little here and there.

"You done?"

Louis nod before lay again.

"Thank's, Ni. And sorry for bothering you like this."

"It's okay, Lou."


Louis suddenly sit up, but sway heavily because of his dizziness. Niall guickly grab him and lay him down again.

"Easy, Lou, easy...what make you jolt like that? You're sick."

"Sorry, Ni. It's just...I haven't cook for people here. They're not eat yet."

Niall widened his eyes.

"You mean since morning?"

"No, no. I mean, I haven't cook for dinner."


Niall sigh in relief. He thought Louis haven't cook since morning. If that's the case, how could he? But Niall knows Louis is not the person like that. He always think about another people before himself.

"Ni, are you okay?"

See? That's Louis. Always think about another people, even when he's sick.

"Oh, yes. I'm fine, Lou. Can I get anything for you?"

"No, no. I'm better now. Just need a sleep."

"Hmm...let me check."

Niall touch Louis's forehead, and a relief smile plaster on his lips.

"Thank's God, your fever reduce a little. Okay then, I'll cook the dinner first, then I'll be back to check on you, alright?"

"Kay. Thank's, Ni."

"You're welcome, Lou."

Niall smile before walk out towards the kitchen. After dinner, Mr. Landon and the other old people come to Louis's room to take care of him, like he take care of them.

2 days later, Louis is back to his feet and back to caring the old people that he loves very much.

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