Wrong Number

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Louis and his work mate, Harry are building a fence at an elite complex when suddenly he feels dizzy.

He just think that maybe it's because the sun that shine brightly today, so, he just shrug it off. But after about an hour or so, his dizziness worse.

Finally he give up to that, and he start to search a rather cool place around that area, maybe under the tree? Oh, yes, there it is.

"Haz, would you mind if I'm cooling down a little in there?" He point to the spot where a big tree planted firmly,"it's start too hot in here."

Harry inspect his face a little, his brow furrow in concern.

"Okay, I'll be there too after this."

Louis smile in relief.

"Thank you, Haz."

After about half an hour in rest, they continue their work with a new energy ( at least for Harry ), but not for Louis.

His dizziness still there, not lessen even just a little, even his stomach start to churn.

He groan a little, hoping Harry could'nt hear it. But nonetheless, Harry still heard it.

He turn his eyes to Louis, and gasp when his mate's face looks pale.

"Lou, you okay?"

Louis glance at Harry nervously. Honestly, he don't want to tell him that he is sick, but...

"Uh, I...feel rather unwell."

"Oh...my...why didn't you tell me before?"


"I'll take you home...come on."

"But we don't finish yet, Haz."

"Don't worry, I'll finish it after take you home."

"Oh...okay, thank you, Haz."

An hour later, they arrive at Louis's house.

"We're here, Lou, come-..."

Harry stop himself when he sees Louis hold his stomach while grimace in pain.

"Hey, do you want me to accompany you? We can finish our work at the next days."

"No, no, I'll be fine. We promise our client to finish it this evening. I can't break it. Please...would you just continue our work?"

"O-okay then. Are you sure you're okay?"

Harry ask again hesitantly.

"Harry, I'll be fine."

"Alright...if you're sure, but I'll visit you after our work is finished."

Louis nodded weakly. His stomach feels even more hurt now.

Harry smile warmly.

"Okay then, take care, Lou."

"Thank you, Haz, be careful."

"You too, Lou, see you again."

Harry wave before climb in his car then drive back to his work place.

Louis start to sway a little, his dizziness and stomachache turn more worst.

He try to reach the door to open it with his key, but unluckily, he don't find it anywhere. Even on his jean pocket, the place where usually he put it.

He curse a little before realize that maybe the key left unintentionally in his work place, or maybe fall?

He try to diall Harry's number with shaking hand, but before he could do it, his stomach churn painfully.

Sick Louis-One Shots 2Where stories live. Discover now