Lost of Appetite

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"Lou, do you want to come? We want to eat at McD."

Liam move aside the red curtain at Louis's bunker.

"No. I'm so tired."

Louis cover his eyes with his arms.

Liam sigh.

"Lou, I notice that you rarely eat these last days, the boys notice it too, you know? What happen? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Li. Nothing to worry about. Just go eat, alright? I just want to sleep."

"O-okay then. Take care."

Liam pat his shoulder before turn back to his friends and leave to have a lunch.

"Louis is not come?"

Niall ask carefully.


Niall sigh heavily.

"What happen to him, Li? He rarely eat now. Is he sick?"

"I don't know, Ni. Let's just hope it's not that, maybe he just tired."

"I hope you're right, Li."

"Yeah, come on."

For the next days Louis still not eat a lot, but if his friends ask about that, he always said that he just tired.

But they not entirely believe that, especially Louis looks more weak each day. And his sleep is more longer than usual.

Until this night.

Liam wake up for get a drink. But when he walk back to his bunker, he heard a low moan from Louis's bunker.

He furrowed his eyebrow before walk to there and push the curtain.


Louis turn his body left and right while clutch his stomach. He looks so restless and so in pain.
Liam put his hand on his forehead.

"Oh my God...you're burning up."

Louis just moan again while close his eyes.

"Lou? Louis? Can you hear me?"

Liam pat his cheek to wake him up.


Louis bend his body more and more.

"What-what hurt Lou? What hurt?"

Liam ask rather panick.


Louis moan again.

"Okay...okay...I'll search the medicine, wait here, alright?"

Liam rush to the kitchen to search the medicine. But he found nothing.

'Damn...where is the medicine?'

Liam continue to search everywhere, until he heard a retch voice.


Liam run back to Louis's bunker, but apparently Niall already there, rubbing his neck and back comfortingly.


"Yeah, I'm awake when heard him puking."

Louis stop to take a breath.

"I-I'm sorry guys. I'm bothering you..."

Louis cough and throw up again.

"I think you must see a doctor, Lou, your fever is so high."

Now Niall put his hand to his forehead.

Minutes later, Louis stop puking and gasp a little.

"It's...it's no need. I'm fine now."


"Guys...please. I don't like the doctor...pleeaase."

Liam and Niall gaze each other before sigh defeatedly and nod.

"Thank you, guys."

Louis flash a weak smile.

Liam and Niall just hope that Louis is really fine, but they wrong.

For the next 2 days, Louis's fever is up and down. His stomach also feel more hurt, and the vomiting is more frequent.

Finally, his friends decide to bring him to hospital. And the diagnose is typhoid fever.

He must get the treatment at hospital for a while, and must inject with an intravenous. Because he lost his appetite completely, and his stomach couldn't accept anything. He always throw it up again.

But Liam, Niall, Harry and Zayn always there whatever happen. And that's what make Louis more strong, their support.

So, less then a week later, his condition start to better, and he have permission to be nursed at home, with a note...eat regularly and must take a lot of rest, also, don't be too tired.

Louis really obey it now, he don't want to be sick again, just because he's too tired to eat.

And the result is, a week later his health already back 100%.

Thank's to his friends that always nurse him patiently.

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