At School part 2

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The next morning Louis wake up feel more worse. Beside his upset stomach, he has a headache and a fever too.

He try to change his position in order to comfort his stomach, instead the movement make his stomach lurch. He sat up abruptly before run to the bathroom and throwing up, once again. He grab his stomach, whimpering miserably.


Louis groan and flush the toilet before stand up wobbly. To be honest, he just want to curl up on the bed, not moving all day. But he couldn't. He couldn't just left her daughter alone at school.


"Yes, honey! I'm coming!"

Louis walk downstairs slowly. He's afraid if he fall down, especially with his spinning headache like now.

"Daddy? Are you sick? You're so pale."

Louis force a smile.

"No,honey. I'm fine. Just tired. Let's make a breakfast."


Natasha nodded hesitantly. But she try to convince herself that his father is alright.

After Louis finish preparing breakfast, Tasya walk out to veranda to wear her shoes. Just then Louis stomach decide to swirling around. It make him run to the bathroom and throwing up again. Louis hug his stomach tighter.

'Oh, God...please give me the strong. I can't handle it again.'

Louis cry silently before his name called by his beloved daughter whose ready to going school again. He brave himself to stand up and walk out from the bathroom. But for her, he would do anything to make her happy, even if it will sacrifice himself. He just hope Natasha don't get whatever he got right now.

When the school bell rang , Louis feel more hot and more dizzy. He start to see colors and there's also some black spot dance around in front of his eyes. He blink rapidly to clear his vision, but it's no use, even now everything looks spin around.

"Uh, sir, are you-..."

That's the last thing he heard before the darkness swallow him.


Natasha scream in fear when sees his father stumbling before collapse. Luckily, Miss Selly can caught him before he hit the ground. Even then she's almost fall herself because of the weight. But she manage to lean Louis's body against the wall.

Natasha still scream uncontrollably, trying to get to his father's body. Miss Selly hug her tight while rubs her back comfortingly.

"Ssh...Tasya, Tasya...please calm down. Your Daddy is fine. He just exhausted."

"No! What if he left me too like mommy?"

"What?" Selly taken aback by her words.

"I don't want to lose my daddy too, Miss Selly. I already lose my mommy."

Tasya crying hard in Selly's chest.

"'s okay, honey. Your daddy is fine . I promise."

Selly too, now crying with her.

"Miss Selly, what happen? Why that man lying on the wall?"

A small voice heard beside Selly. She turn to see Harry and Niall, her other students, standing in confusion.

"Thank's God you two here. That man is sick. Please call Mr. Payne and Mr. Malik. Quick!"

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