Silent Treatment

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"Guys, please don't be mad again. I'm so sorry, guys."

Louis try to apologize again, but the boys just give him a silent treatment. Finally he sigh in defeat.

He didn't mean to be late today. But when he's ready to go, his stomachache that started yesterday, relapse again. It make him so nauseous until he retch several times.

He didn't dare to tell the boys about that. He's afraid they just will be more mad. Still, he can't bear the guilt and the pain in his heart. And that's make his sickness worst.

When arrive at his flat, he run to the bathroom and retch again. His stomach feel more hurt now. He can't handle it again. So he decided to call Paul, their ex-tour manager whose like their own father.

"Hello? Louis?"

"Yes, Paul. C-can I live with you for a while?"

"What? But-..."

"Please, Paul. I'm sick. I can't handle the pain."

Louis hiss in pain.

"O-okay. I'll pick you up."

"And please don't tell the boys."

"What? Louis-..."


"Alright, just wait a minute."

"Thank you, Paul."

"It's okay, son."

Louis seen throwing up to the bin at his front yard when Paul arrive there. He's clutching his stomach that looks so pain.

Paul rush toward him and rubs his neck gently.

"P-Paul?" Louis gags again.

"Just let it out, Lou. It will make you better."

"No. I think I'm done."

"You sure?"

Louis nodded slowly before wipe his mouth with a tissue. He still thinking about their fight, he just want to cry, but he try to hold it in front of Paul.

Still, Paul seems know about his feeling, because seconds later, he's already in Paul's hug. That's when he burst in cry. Paul rubs his back soothingly.

"That's right, son. Just cry if you want to cry."

"It's so hurt, Paul."

"What's hurt?"

"Everything, my stomach, my heart. I can't handle it, Paul. They mad at me, they hate me."


"The boys."

Paul frown,"the boys?"

Louis nodded. Paul's frown deeper. What happen with the boys? But he shrug it off for a while.

"Alright, son. Now, let's go to my house first. You need some rest."

Louis nodded again,"thank you, Paul."

2 days later,  Louis still throwing up frequently. He seems can't keep anything down. Everything he's eat or drink always spill out again from his mouth. Doctor said he's suffering a stomach flu, and it's worsen by his depression state.

Finally Paul decided to call Liam. He don't know exactly what's happen and what's causing Louis to fall in this state, considering his character that usually so energetic and so cheerful.

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