The end (authors note)

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I hope you enjoyed my book. I'm so happy I got so many views because for me that is amazing!

I couldn't believe how many people wanted to read my story because personally I thought it was a bit rubbish!

I appreciate every vote comment and read I get and I love you all.

I wondered if you want a sequel?

If you don't want one please comment and let me know otherwise there are two paths I could go down.

Firstly I could write as one of the girls point of views through the experience - someone such as Sarah maybe?

Or I could write as Calum or Craig?

Finally I could do the aftermath of Kim's point of view.

Let me know which one would be your favourite. And thank you all again.

Please please please comment your opinions. See you in the next book!

Perfect GirlsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang