Chapter 2

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I awoke lay on the bed I had woken up to before. Had it been a dream? The black room and the doctors who weren't doctors?

Immediately I leapt up and ran to the vanity. As I looked in the mirror I saw a different person. It wasn't me at all.

My green eyes had been replaced by blue orbs. It looked nice but in a creepy sort of way. If I wasn't me, it would be nice - but I'm Kim and it's really not me.

My hair had been transformed from a dark shade of black to an ash brown colour. It also felt a lot thinner than it previously had done. I scraped it up with my hands to have a look at the underneath when I noticed a stripe of blue running up the back of the underneath. I'm guessing my colour was blue?

I also noticed I had a lot of makeup on, I never ever wear makeup. I had fake eyelashes, nude lips and filled in eye brows.

I looked like a new person. I wasn't me. This person staring back at me in the mirror was not me.

I needed to get out of here. Quickly.

I scurried around my room and decided the only way I could find clues was looking through that window where the girl had previously been. I figured she could help me.

I climbed onto the bed and stood up and peered through. I saw her just sat at her vanity staring at herself in the mirror. She had her hair tied up and I noticed a yellow stripe up the back of her black hair. That's when I realised her room was yellow. She was obviously the "yellow" one.

I also admired her clothes. She was wearing a white dress with yellow spots. It was knee length and had short sleeves but ruffled out in the skirt section.

I realised I was still in the white shorts and vest top that the "doctors" had changed me into while they made me a new person.

I knocked hard on the window hoping to get her attention. She jumped and turned around, quickly clambering onto her bed and standing up.

"I need information!" I yelled.

"They are watching I will get into trouble!" She yelled.


"I will have to be quick, they captured us so we can be the perfect girls for the boys. They can design you, dress you so on so forth. If you misbehave you get a strike, if you get five strikes you are out, the rules are in your wardrobe - most importantly make sure you don't..."

As if by command a shutter closed infront of the window so the girl was no longer visible. I was once again alone. I pondered over what she said.

Who were the boys? And how can I misbehave?

I ran to my wardrobe to see these "rules". I opened it to find tons of blue dresses and shoes. I searched all through the wardrobe to find them until I realised they were painted on the back of the door.

1. No contact with another boy, you belong to yours.
2. Follow all commands given by the voice.
3. You must dress and look how are you are told to.
4. Talk nicely to your boy.
5. No exploring forbidden areas.
6. Lights out by 9pm.

The rules seemed firm and I was petrified to break them. This was just the start of a long journey.

I walked over to the vanity and decided to adjust my hair. It was currently in a half up half down topknot. My streak wasn't visible.

I took out the top knot and brushed it thoroughly with a brush- a blue one. Surprised?

I grabbed a thin band out of my draw and put it over my wrist. I back combed part of my hair and put it up into a hive and used the bobble to secure it. Even though I still looked different, I looked a touch more like me. I went into the bathroom and splashed my face with water to remove the makeup, I was quite lucky with my skin as I never needed makeup. I felt fresher again.

I dried my face with a blue towel and hung it on the radiator to dry. I went back into my bedroom and felt a touch more like myself. I looked in the mirror, I could see the real me beginning to shine through again.

"Please get changed and make your way to the dining hall." The voice rang through my room again.

Coming to think of it I was really hungry, but chills went through my spine when I thought of the dining hall.

I walked over to my wardrobe. I found multiple blue dresses, all different patterns and sizes. I picked out a knee length blue skater dress.

It needed Kim-a-Fiying. It was far too girl. I slipped it on and took a good glance at myself in the full length mirror in the wardrobe, right next to the door where the rules were imprinted.

A few things needed editing.

Firstly it had little puffy sleeves on my shoulders. I began to pick at the stitches and pull off each sleeve. It already looked a lot more me.

Then I grabbed a pair of heels - which were blue. They had a stripe of glitter down the side which disgusted me so I began to pick at it with my nails. It came off but it looked a little scruffy.

Once again I admired myself in the full length mirror and knew I looked more like Kim than a modern fairy princess.

"Make your way to the dining hall, exit the room, take two rights and enter where told to."

I took a deep breath in. "Here goes nothing" I thought.

Supposing I had been kidnapped and changed into a different person I didn't think I was doing too badly - personality wise. I wasn't desperately scared or breaking down in tears. But I guessed reality hadn't kicked in.

I left my room and turned an immediate right into the familiar white corridor. This time I took two lefts as I was instructed to. I didn't want to break I rule on my first day. At least I thought it was my first day? I had been drugged and everything for a while so I hadn't got any idea.

I walked  to the place I was told to go when I was greeted by two great doors. They were a deep shade of purple and had a sign on them saying dining hall.

"Please wait," the voice boomed.

I waited for about five minutes. While stood there I noticed I was by room 1 and 2. I wanted to meet some of these girls and see what they were going through but I guess I couldn't.

I thought I could hear some noise coming from room 2. I couldn't tell if it was laughing or crying.

Just as I was listening closely the voice boomed again.


Reluctantly, I pushed the door open and entered.

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