Chapter 9

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I awoke in a pool of sweat and tears. My head was full of emotion and I felt sick. My dream was almost too realistic.

I tried to recall on what had happened in the dream. My heart pounded as my head raced as I tried to remember the events.

After about ten minutes of sitting and thinking it came back to me. I remembered about my mom.

Before now I had no memory of my past, I knew I existed but all I could remember was this place.

I remembered leaving the house for the last time and seeing my mom for the last time. I realised we ended on a bad note.

She had become an alcoholic and was probably killing herself as I sat there. I needed to escape and save her. She needed me.

So did my little brother. I could vaguely picture him in my head but I didn't know much about him. These were the only things about my homelife.

This was probably why they didn't want me to remember everything because I would be plotting escape. Now I remember I was.

I hadn't seen a door that lead anywhere but the rooms we could go in. The only possible way was the way the boys went in the dining hall when they left us.

I would have to persuade my new person to help me escape. I hoped they would understand and be nice.

That's when I snapped back to reality and realised the day. I was getting paired with someone new. Who knew maybe he would be nicer than the other? I was still scared, I couldn't help but be.

I looked at the time. It was 9.06. I was curious as to wether my lunch slit would change due to having a new person. I looked around my sky blue room. I had become immune to the colour blue, I had been surrounded by it for a long time now and it was just like a part of me. Not a good part.

I got up, had a shower and began to dry my hair, when the voice instructed me to go out of my room and turn left, instantly.

I had half wet hair but I quickly scraped it into a pony and made my way. I followed the voice until I reached a place I knew all too well.

The lab/makeover room.


I stepped inside to see my friends in the White coats once again. To be taken in and changed again, just like a doll.

They were changing me into their idea of a perfect girl, or his idea. They were changing me into something I wasn't.

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