Chapter 8

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I was walking home from school with my ear phones in. I decided to take a short cut through the park. I loved viewing nature and the scenery. I enjoyed taking photos with my camera and painting or drawing them.

I wasn't very good at many subjects at school but I enjoyed art. Art was my best subject. Whilst flunking all of the other subjects I was passing art with flying colours. If only it was that easy for all subject.

I admired the trees and all the small details; the birds, their nest, the leaves, the branches, the trunk and all the fine details normal people take for granted.

I pulled out my camera and took a few shots from all different angles of a gorgeous oak tree. It was huge, unlike any of the others. Below the tree I saw a few flowers. I bent down and took some closer shots of them.

A few birds were perched in one of the smaller trees so I snapped a few images of them.

I went and sat on a bench and perched my school bag next to me. I flicked through all the images I had just took. Something about photography and nature made me happy; that's why I took my camera everywhere with me. I tried taking pictures on the school field but all of the boys had destroyed it from football boots and litter. That was the side of nature I didn't like.

After about ten minutes admiring my pictures and the scenery I continued my walk home.

Every step I took I listened to the birds singing and the wind gentle humming. It made me feel so relaxed.

Finally I arrived at my house. I opened the front door and walked in. I kicked off my shoes and headed straight to the kitchen for a drink.

Just gone shopping be back soon,
Mom X

She had left me a note on the kitchen table. I grabbed a drink and a bag of crisps and perched myself at the table having another look through my photos deciding which to paint next.

I heard the door go which made my jump out of my thoughts. I ran into the hall to discover it was mom. She was back earlier than excepted but then I realised I had been day dreaming for around 20 minutes. She had little Tommy in his rocking basket. He was only 4 months, but unfortunately mom was now a single mom.

She needed me.

I grabbed Tommy off of her and offered to go and change him for her. I began up the stairs and into Tommys nursery. I placed him on the changing table and began when I heard a smash.

It sounded like a bottle smashing but I wasn't sure. I finished changing Tommy quickly and placed him in his bouncer. Rapidly but quietly I ran downstairs and towards the kitchen.

I peered through the door to see mom swallowing down a bottle of vodka. My heart sank but my instant reaction was to grab it off of her.

"What are you thinking!?" I yelled.

"I'm sorry Kim, I needed it, I've been left all alone with no one to help me!"

"Am I not good enough for you? I try my best you know!" I broke down in tears.

"I'm sorry Kim baby I didn't mean that," her look softened and she reached for me but I was too angry.

"It's too late,"

I grabbed my coat and headed out into the cold night. I needed fresh air to clear my head.

That was when the realisation hit me, my mom was an alcoholic. She was killing herself because she was so stressed.

Tears ran down my cheeks. My face froze as the wind hit the tears. It was a cold and bitter feeling but that was the last of my worries right now.

I went to the park, the only place I could clear my head. When I arrived it was empty. I headed to the bench I always sat on where I had the perfect view of all of nature under the dazzling moon.

A flood of emotions hit me, sadness, anger, worry and frustration. Anxiety filled my heart but I had to keep breathing deep so I didn't have any panic attacks.

I was just sat on the bench thinking about how much mom needed me, she wouldn't be here without me.

Then I woke up.

Perfect GirlsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora