Chapter 24

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"Guys this is Calum." Bailey said.

We all sat aghast watching as one of the boys stood in front of us in the RC room. It was mental. Either he was too nice or wasn't to be trusted.

"Hi," Calum smiled.

"Bailey, why is Calum here?" Sarah asked.

"Because.." She said. She then signed "he's going to help us escape!"

"Can we trust him?" Sarah signed back.

"Yes, he's being held here too, by Craig, because he knows too much!" Bailey signed back.

"Do you know Joe?" I asked Calum.

"Yeah I do, he lives back in the housing. As soon as you get yourself into this place there isn't any getting out. He hasn't got a girl, but he may have soon."

"He sold me, he thought he could get away," I sighed. Memories of my Joe ballinger and the other Joe floated through my head.

"He's at a bit of a loose end really, there's no one for him."

"Well can he help us escape!?" I signed.

"He has to be with someone to get into the girls building," he replied.

"So how are you going to help us?" Sarah asked.

"I'm allowed in areas you aren't. I can go where all the lads come. You can't. I'm your inside knowledge. You need me if you want to escape."

"So what your saying is you'll find a way out for us?" I replied.

"I'll try my best." He answered.

"Good, we need all the help we can get," Sarah said.

"So do you have a plan?" I asked.

"Of course I do - and stage one begins right away.

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