Chapter 30

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"Get on your knees and put your hands up!"

Craig dropped to his knees reaching the same level as me and looked petrified. His face read no expression.

However my smile could read a thousand words. I was going to be free.

Quickly ten or so police men raided the room with guns and shields.

"Help me!" I whimpered as loud as I could.

"Kim!" I heard a familiar voice yell. It was Calum. He did come to save me. I was safe.

He ran over to me and sat me up. I cried tears of joy as I hung onto him and cried. I cried tears of happiness into Calum's shoulder.

"It's ok," he whispered as he hugged me.

The nightmare was finally over.

The police grabbed Craig and arrested him. Quickly he was whisked out the room. Watching him go was almost like having a weight lifted off my shoulders. He was gone.

The trouble was gone. There was no more.

A few nurses and doctors ran to me. They lifted me onto a stretcher and began to carry me out.

The whole way Calum held onto my hand continuing to whisper "it's ok,".

Police and forensics were everywhere gathering evidence and hunting to see if there were anymore people.

One of the people I did see being arrested was Joe. The Joe I once belonged to.

"Kim!" He shouted.

I turned my head over. For all I cared he could rot in prison. He was better to me than Craig was but he still was doing something illegal. Something that ruined my life. He began it all really.

Police escorted him and two others I didn't recognise out of the room.

They led me outside to an ambulance. Surrounding the ambulance were all of the girls. They were all in regular clothes looking healthy and happy.

"Kim, your ok!" They all shouted in a huge jumble of noise.

I tried my best to smile at them but I felt too weak.

"I'll go with her guys, I'll meet you at the hospital." Calum shouted as they closed the door of the ambulance.

Calum's next words would stay with me forever. The words I had wanted to hear for so long.

"It's ok now, your free Kim,"

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