Chapter 31

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Having all the requirable features or characteristics. Free from flaw.


They were looking for perfect girls and they found us.

We weren't perfect. We were a bunch of nobody's. There was nothing special about us and certainly nothing perfect.

No matter how close they thought they got us to perfect. We never quite made it because we all have secrets in the background. 

Our secret was our escape plan. We weren't quite as perfect as they thought we were.

They changed us to try to make us perfect but they couldn't change us on the inside.

We were who we were and we couldn't forget our past. We all had a past and we all wanted to be living our lives again.

How can you be perfect when there is something else you so deeply want or desire? It is impossible.

Even though they tried to make us perfect - they didn't fully achieve their goal.

The word perfect is quite broad. They had their own idea of perfect and so did we.

Every human is perfect. They may not think so themselves but somebody else does. We are all perfect.

Calum found me perfect.

I found Calum perfect.

Calum did not try to make me perfect. He found me perfect the way I was. I wouldn't have to change for him.

Just like no human should have to change for anyone else.

I learned a lot from my experience. But the main thing I learned is that no one is perfect in everyone's eyes - but in someone's eyes you are perfect.

You are more perfect than you know.

Sure you have one or two flaws but they can't be changed because your flaws are what make you perfect.

That was my experience being a perfect girl.

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