Chapter 22

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This wasn't good emotion. It was my true emotion. I didn't love him it was all an act. I loved Joe back home. I needed him again. 

I began to cry and sob. He gently pushed me off him and looked at me again. "What's the matter?" He questioned.

I had so many answers bubbling up inside of me that I didn't know where to start. I thought about my life back home and how much I missed it which made me sob even more.

Then I thought about the reason I was here. That reason was Craig. He could let me go whenever he wanted. But he didn't.

My sadness turned to anger and then to fury and without a second thought I began hitting him.

"What are you doing?" He yelled trying to prize me off of him.

"I hate you!" I screamed as I continued to him him.

I continued to beat him while he reached his hand under the table. It looked as though he pressed a small button and seconds after he did the room was raided.

Many people in black masks came into the room and grabbed me off of him. He got away lightly I could have done far worse.

Then the emotion inside of me settled down and realisation hit of what I had just done.

I was going to get a new strike.

I also set the plan back a few weeks. Make that months.

I felt so stupid.

"You've made a mistake Ellie! You shouldn't have done that- not clever. Third strike for you but remember five strikes and your out."

"I want to be out! Who would want to live this hell?" I shouted back.

"That could be arranged but I want to get my money's worth. "He smirked an evil scary smirk.

I knew this was my hell of a life. And it was going to be much harder from now on.

Then appeared darkness over my eyes.

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