Chapter 10

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I hadn't seen what they had done as I walked back to my room. I could see that I was in another vest and shorts and I could feel some new contacts in my eyes. I also knew they had dyed my hair.

In some strange way my heart longed for the blue, it was a feeling I had gotten used to. But also a part of my heart wanted to see the old Kim when I looked in the mirror. I knew however this would happen.

I approached my room and in first glance noticed something unusual. The sign on my door had changed from blue to black.

Had they really changed me?

I stepped into the room and looked at the walls. The room was no longer a bedroom, it was more like a prison cell.

The walls had been attempted to have been painted grey but the blue remained strong so it just had stained patched of grey. It was awful.

The bed sheets had changed to black and the carpet had also changed to black. However instead of being a luxurious carpet it was old and frayed. My heart wept.

I looked at all the makeup I once owned in blue and all of it was black. The lipstick, eye shadows and eyeliners were all black. The foundation was the palest foundation in existence. I looked up and glanced at myself in the mirror.

My hair was now black and my face was pale and decorated with black features. My hair was in a loose messy curls and just hung down. I looked a bit like the old Kim, but I felt nothing like it. I felt like I was being forced to be someone I wasn't. There was something a lot darker behind this look.

I ran to the wardrobe to discover all the blue cupcake dresses were turned to small skimpy black dresses which made me feel sick. I didn't have enough of a figure to pull these off. I would feel so self conscious. All the shoes were black stilettos.

At least my strike would blend in with my dress on my back, the large black line that would permanently remain with me to remind me not to change my look.

5 strikes and your out.

I contemplated about wether being out was a bad thing. I mean I wouldn't have to live through this hell.

"Get dressed and make your way to the dining hall," the voice boomed. Dinner was early.

I browsed through the wardrobe for something half decent to wear and found nothing. I ended up just picking a little black dress because that's all I had.

It was slim and had one shoulder. I slipped on the stilettos and made my way out my room ready to meet which ever physco was waiting for me. I didn't need to mess with my hair or makeup because it was already done.

I walked down the all familiar hall however this time I viewed it in a different light, my hands were shaking and my heart was racing.

I approached the dining hall and did as I was instructed. I waited outside and looked at doors one and two. They were still the same colour- I guess they were luckier than I was. The more I stood there the more I got anxious.

This clearly wasn't going to be a nice person- look what they had me dressed in! My mind couldn't think positively and negative thoughts raced in my head. What if he hurt me? And not just with violence. I was scared. More than scared.

"Enter," the voice boomed, making me quickly jump out of my thoughts. Anxiously I walked in seeing the dining hall the same as it had been with the other one. Just the thought of him made me feel sick, I didn't even want to say his name.

I went and stood behind my chair waiting for him to arrive.

In walked a tall and handsome man. He was probably the same age as the first one but he didn't look half as gentle or loving.

"Hello," I shuddered.

"Hello," he smirked, "so your my purchase, very nice." As he said that it made me shiver. The word purchase just made me feel worthless, I was just something people could buy and sell, I had no human value.

I didn't reply to his comment I didn't know how to.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Kim," I murmured.

"Kim? Ugh, no, I need to change it, my ex was called Kim and I can't have two. How about Ellie?" He smirked.

"But my name is Kim," I whispered.

"Excuse me? Do you know the rules? Your name is Ellie, I chose it because you are mine."

I looked down, I had never been a fan of the name Ellie but I guess I had to learn to live with it.

"So Ellie, how old are you?" He asked.

I had to think about this question, for some reason I had no recollection of how old I was. I couldn't physically remember my age.

"I don't know," I trembled, embarrassed.

"16," he said.

"How do you know?"

"It's all in your catalogue article, I was checking to see if you had any knowledge of your past life, clearly you don't. Well this is your life now."

The thing he didn't know was I did know about some of my past life. About my mom, drinking, me being Kim not Ellie and the fact I had a younger brother. Hopefully soon I would know more but he couldn't know that, he would probably send me back or give me a strike or something.

The food came and he kept just questioning me on random things. If he didn't like how I answered them he would correct them for me.

"What's your favourite colour?"

"Blue I guess?" I replied.

"Wrong, it's black, black is your colour, I mean just look at your room and dress!"

This went on all through the meal, almost as though he was giving me lessons on who I am, teaching me who to be.

We ate our food (he ate like a pig) and carried on talking although he did most of it.

"I guess you better get going, our a lot is nearly up, shame I've had a good time," he smirked. His smirk was so evil.


He approached me in whispered in my ear, "see you later Ellie,"

I shivered at the name.

The meal confirmed one thing for me, I was getting out of this place- quickly.

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