Chapter 7

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"Selling me?" I questioned.

"Yes, you know, putting you up for sale, someone giving me money in exchange for you," he said it so naturally.

"How could you?" I asked, disgusted.

"I don't know, I guess I wanted out of here," he sighed.

"What, but you couldn't take me with you?" I shouted.

"Kim, I would get killed, I'm here optionally but the rules are if you are removed from the building there are punishments for us!"

"But you won't even try for me?" I was nearly crying.

"No." He stated.

That's when it began to make sense, all of the pictures were for the catalogue so they could sell me again. But they hadn't taken pictures of me before? I figured they must have done it whilst I was asleep.

"What if I got sold to someone bad? Someone who doesn't treat me as well as you do and doesn't truly love me?" I asked.

"That's the chance I'll have to take."

I ran to the door ready to leave realising it was locked. They always locked it behind me so I couldn't leave without permission from Joe.

"Tell them to let me out," I snapped.

"Please Kim," he begged.

"Now!" I shouted.

With that he clapped his hands twice and the door was unlocked. I shot him a dirty look before running back to my room. I didn't even say goodbye.

I ran down the same corridor back to my room. Once I arrived I slammed the door behind me and sat with my back up against it.

At first I felt anger, I wanted to punch something and get my stress out. I scrunched the carpet between my fingers - so much I'm surprised it didn't rip out. I squeezed until I needed to breathe.

Then I took a deep breath and the anger turned to sadness. The person who was getting me through being held here has left me. He didn't love me after all. He never wanted me clearly. Even when he was escaping he would even try to help me. I instantly began to cry. This was more than a cry it was a sob. I felt sick. Just the thought I was never loved and had been abandoned made another litre of tears flow from my eyes.

Then suddenly I thought about the situation and realised really bad things could happen to me. After all I was kidnapped this wasn't designed to be happy for me. I began to panic.

My breathing quickened and I couldn't catch my breath. My hands began shaking and I began to sweat - that's when the walls began closing in on me. I knew what was happening.

I was having a panic attack.

It lasted about ten minutes, I just had to sit and let it have its day.

Once it began to end I looked in the mirror looking at my weak reflection. My makeup was everywhere and I was as pale as a ghost.

I got changed and climbed into bed deciding to sleep out the rest of the day. It was the only way I could try to stop the fear and nerves of what the next day may bring.

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