A simple generic looking male doctor finally came back with the results in hand. "Detective Laxus."

"Oh hey doc, what's good?" Laxus turned to look at the doctor as he stood right beside the bed.

"Good news and bad news." He said as he opened the folder which contained some X-rays.

"Give me the bad news." Laxus rather hear the bad before the good.

"Well it isn't so bad to be honest," he placed the X-ray of the detective's arm on a white board. With a switch, a light radiated from behind, causing the bone part of the X-ray to light up. "As you see, the joint of the humerus was in a misplaced position, is the reason why you couldn't move your arm earlier after the explosion."

"And the good news?" Laxus now awaited for the good news, hoping it reassured him of the bad news.

"Good news is, we were able to move it back in place," he took off the X-ray picture and put up a new one after they've placed it back. "Every now and then, you would have trouble moving it but in 2 maybe 3 weeks, it should heal and you would be back in your physical peak."

"Heh, what about my friend? Any news on him?" He now wondered about his analytical friend, Hibiki. From what he had heard from earlier nurses and doctors, his golden haired friend was rushed into surgery.

"Your partner, Hibiki, sustained most of the damage," the doctor sighed as he told him the news. "He must've pushed you out of the way, hence the reason why he took most of the debris." He cocked and adjusted his glasses before continuing. "He sustained a lot of injuries to the chest and stomach areas and had 2nd and 3rd degree burns, the surgeons say he may have a low percentage of surviving the surgery..."

"That idiot..." Laxus could hardly remember the event. It happened so fast, but finally hit him, the golden blonde truly did push him out of the doorway in time before any real damage hit the detective. "Why... why!?" Laxus couldn't control his emotions. Anger and sadness had loomed over him, getting up from the side of the bed and walking around in a distraught state of mind.

"I'm sorry." The doctor patted the detective's back and walked over to another patient in the ICU.

Laxus now blamed himself for putting Hibiki in surgery. If he hadn't had act so rash back there at the apartment, maybe he would be in the ICU as well. He continued to pout over his guilt and the decisions he made leading up to the explosion.

"Oh my god, you're okay!" Suddenly, a familiar petite bluenette hugged the detective from behind.

"Easy there Levy, my left arm was only hurt." He turned around and hugged her back.

"Thank god," she let go of him. "I heard Hibiki was rushed into surgery, is he okay?" She knew the golden blonde. Every now and then, she would help the man with his computer forensics.

"The doctor came by and told me he only had a slim chance of... surviving..." He gulped down some saliva, having trouble saying those words.

"Oh no," Levy gasped, placing both her hands over her mouth. "He's... he's..." She tried to say something positive but her stream of tears won over her.

Laxus brought her closer, hugging her and placing her head to her chest where she poured her tears on. "He's going to make it, I know it, he's someone who wouldn't give up so easily." He comforted her.

"Laxus!" The medical examiner trio came to visit him as well, standing right behind them was the Chief police, Jura.

"Freed, Evergreen, Bickslow, boss," he saw the four of them walk towards him and Levy. "Hey."

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