"Your mom called while you were out. Said she needed to talk to you and that she was almost here."

"Oh no... The files!" I left those stupid files on the table.

"What files?" They both asked.

"Uh--business files... I left them out and she's probably upset."

"But she's flying here to talk to you."

"Maybe I'm missing something..." I said, trying to hide the guilt of yet another lie to my best friend. "Until they get here how about some shaved ice?"

Abi shook her head, "If your mom is upset then you should be waiting for her at the air port when she lands."

"I agree," Steve said. "She seemed worried, Toni, and nothing I said could calm her down."

"Okay..." We all headed back to his car and drove to the air port, having to wait thirty minutes for the plane to land.

Steve had a small smirk on his lips when the plane landed...

"What's up, Steve? There something you aren't telling me?"

"Huh, me? Nothing."

"You're a terrible liar."

"So I've been told."

"What are you hiding."

"Go ask your Mom," he said with a smile, as he leaned on the car.

"Oh-kaay..." I started walking over to the plane but was scooped up by a red and gold iron man. I screamed in surprise as he flew around the plane a few times. "Dad what are you doing?! Abi is here!!" I whispered at him.

"I know." He said back in a mock whisper.

"Then wha...?"

"Cmon your mom is waiting and she'll kill me for flying so fast with you."

I smiled remembering when I was a kid and she'd yelled at us for flying.

He landed smoothly by the stairs that mom was going down. "Tony Stark, put. Her. Down."

"Yes, Ma'am!" he said before putting me back on my feet.

"Hey mom... Whyyy is this dude here?" I asked as Abi ran over to see Iron Man.

"It's okay, Toni. You can tell Abi."

My mouth dropped and I stared at them.

"Tell Abi what?" She asked coming up behind me. "Hi, Tony Stark, I'm a huge fan!"

The face part of his helmet went up, and he held a hand out to shake Abi's. "Hi Abi. And we were saying she can tell Abi--Abi being you--that I am her father!" He said in a Darth Vader voice.

I laughed at him, nearing tears.

Abi looked at me... "You're not shitting me?"

I could only shake my head for a second. "No... He's--He's my dad," I said breaking down and crying as I threw my arms around Dad.

"So, all those times you said he was working late?"

"He was in his lab, hiding. Because they've never let me tell anyone before." I said.


"He doesn't want me to have any ties with the Avengers, so no one finds me. That's why my last name is Miller on any documents."

"So you've basically lied to me about everything?"

"Yes--but Abi it wasn't my choice. I promise you this--"

His Secret DaughterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant