The Avenger's Show

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Chapter Twenty-Two

We docked at stark tower and went in the building before we were allowed to leave the plane. Still in the hanger were Vision and Wanda, one of the most adorable couples.

"Wanda! Vision! Hey, you guys!"

"Toni! How are you?" Wanda said as they walked over holding hands.

Vision smiled at me.

"I'm good, this is Abi. She's my best friend, and she finally knows who I really am," I said throwing my arm over her shoulder.

"It's good to meet you, Abi," wanda said.

Vision turned his gaze on her, before smiling, and tilting his head. "Your clothing designs are interesting. But they follow enough of the current fashion rules to be very successful."


"Well, his computer brain probably found your designs on social media."

"Oh, right."

Vision laughed, "I am sorry, I was curious. Why don't we all catch up with the others?"

I let the others go ahead as I walked slower with Abi, "Don't worry, his meetings are usually that awkward."

She smiled and nodded.

"You'll really get along with Scott, he's probably the most normal of the bunch."

"The man who can shrink to the size of an ant or grow to be gi-ant man? Seriously."

I rolled my eyes, "You'll see."


A roar of welcomes rang as we entered the loft. Thor, Bruce, Scott, Clint, Nat, Rohdy, Sam, Sharon Carter, Steve, and Bucky were crowded by the sofas. Mom, Wanda, Vision, Abs and I walked over.

"Hey guys! Big introduction, this is my best friend Abi." I walked her through the crowd so she could meet everyone before I sat her by Scott. "Scott, this is Abi. I told her you were normal," I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled.

He looked at Abi, "I am most certainly not normal, I'm awesome."

"Fuck you," I laughed and sat behind abs.

It was nice to see all of my friends together again, and soon Abi was happily chatting with Scott, Steve and Sharon, so I stood and mixed in with everyone, finding Bruce and hugging him close. "Thank you so much for what you did for mom, Bruce. I can't tell you how thankful I am that she's here."

"Don't worry kid, you know I'd do anything for you guys."

"I do, thank you." I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned before gasping, "Uncle Phil?! ah! What are you doing here?!" I threw my arms around him in a tight embrace.

"Oh, ya know, instructing, supervising, directing, all very powerful words that, at this point,mean standing and watching." His eyes smiled in that way they always did.

I nodded, "so are you bored then? Mr. Director?"

"Ha, not in the slightest. Too many things to worry about when working with this bunch a balloons."

"Speaking of, has my--" I sighed. "Iron Man?"

"Not here yet, but I'll keep you updated... don't worry so much, thats my job as director supervisor person."

I nodded. "Okay okay.."

"Toni!" Thor yelled

Phil smiled and walked away talking on his ear bud.

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