"Where is my dad?!" I try to get up from my feet but he stop me from doing it by pushing me back from the bed. "You can't yet, You're still weak" I look up at him, sighing in defeat. Fine.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He then turn his head to me giving me the are-you-fucking-kidding-me look which cause me to raise my other eyebrow. What? He put both his hands on his waist like he's scolding me or something and I'm just like, okay, what the hell is he trying to say?

"You don't know me?"

I shook my head.

Then the next thing he did was went towards me and lean his hands on the bed and stare deeply into my eyes. Golden yellow is all I see. Only golden yellow. His eyes, so beautiful. Goodness, what am I thinking?

"Why don't you try to find it out yourself? Who do you think I am?"

What question is that? Is he playing my head? Because for goodness sake it's working. Then seconds later of staring deeply into his eyes, golden eyes if you correct me, it turns slowly into black? Black?! Wait, wait a minute. No.

I gasp softly.

I reach his cheek with my hand and caress it softly which made him lean in to my touch. He closes his eyes and bit his bottom lip as I smile.

"My dear Sapphire, please remember me" He said before opening his eyes, with his black eyes. His voice shows some pleading and worried at the same time as I held his chin up.

"You're afraid I'll forget you" I said. It wasn't a question, it was a statement. His eyes bored into mine with my hand cup both his cheeks. He met his forehead to mine as I look down from my lap.

"Now, who do you think I am?"

I look up at him and smirk devilishly.

"Oh, I don't know? You never told me your name remember?"

He smile back at me and his black turned yellow once again. I rub my hands against his cheek as I saw his vision starts to fade away. What? I widened my eyes as I grip my hand harder on his cheek.

"No, wait, where are you going?" I panicked. He's getting blur. Why? My Blake smile back at me sweetly as my vision of his started to blur even more. No, where is he going?

"Blake? I can't see you clearly. What's going on?" Is it because of my eyes?

"I'll be back sweetheart"

Then after that, he kissed my forehead gently then my whole sight turn dark once again. No,
Blake, no.

"Blaaaakeeeee!!!" I wake up gasping for air as I sit up uncontrollably on the bed. I was panting heavily but sigh afterwards. Wait, a bed? I look around the place confused, realizing its still the room me and Blake talked to awhile ago. But the things is, Blake isn't here. Huh?

So it means, it was a dream? He's not here? I stare down quietly.  How did I got here? Where's dad? Shit! Where is he?

I directly got up from the bed making me wince as I felt a pain in my head. Gosh, it hurts. And... It has a bandage which made me confused even more. I have bandage in my dream too and so does the freaking room. I growled. Someone's playing my head, its official.

The Mystery Guy *editing*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant