71. The Five Kage Summit Conference

Start from the beginning

"I'll help you!" I said firmly.

Sasuke's eyes widened slightly in surprised but he quickly wiped the look away and simply stared at me.

"You'll help me kill Danzo" he said "there might be consequences afterwards for you if you do help me."

"I know" I replied "but regardless of that fact I want to help you!"


Sasuke turned away from me and began walking off as I watched his retreating back. To this day, I can't tell what exactly he means when he says that, I just know it irritates me and I accidentally picked up the habit of saying it myself.

"We leave tomorrow at 6:00" I heard Sasuke say "if you're not inside in 5 seconds I'm taking your pillow."


========The Next Day========

Sasuke took my pillow.

That night I had to sleep without a pillow and when I woke up my neck was cramped and felt stiff.

We were currently leaping through the treetops towards the location this summit was at as this plant/man named Zetsu took us. I could tell he was an Akatsuki member because of his cloak but Sasuke threatened him to stay away from me so I should be fine.

"About time we hit the road" Suigetsu exclaimed, taking a sword off of his back "it's been a while since I've been in a fight!"

I glanced at the sword he was holding and saw it was none other the same sword I had seen Zabuza wielding so many years ago. My eyes widened in surprise but I remained silent and leapt over to Sasuke.

"What" he asked, glancing at me for a split second before looking away.

"Why does he have that sword" I said "it's not his."

"He wanted it" Sasuke replied, shrugging "besides the person who use to own it is dead."

"So!" I snapped "just because Zabuza is dead doesn't mean you can give away his sword to some stupid wannabe swordsman!"

Sasuke smirked slightly and didn't reply as I glared at him then angrily looked away. He's changed so much and doesn't even realize it; now I can see why Naruto tries so hard to get him to come back to the village. He's turned into a cold, heartless being.

"We're here."

We all stopped in front of a large building, almost hidden due to the amount of snow that was surrounding it. I shifted nervously from foot to foot and looked around only to realize Zetsu had left, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Sasuke-kun" Karin began, looking around as well "Zetsu isn't here anymore! I don't sense his Chakra."

"Let's just keep going, we don't need him anymore" I said, personally glad to be away from that creep.

"Hey!" Karin said, her cheeks flushing red in anger "who made you the leade-"

"Don't complain" Sasuke said, cutting her off "listen to what she said."

Suigetsu smirked and stuck his tongue out at Karin as she flushed red with anger and steam seemed to billow out of her ears. I smirked and decided to play with her even more by grabbing Sasuke's arm and clinging to it. Sasuke looked down at me.

"I-It's cold" I said, shivering.

"I told you to get a bigger cloak" he said, sighing deeply before taking off his cloak and putting it around me.

By this point, Karin had officially reached her maximum level of anger and seemed likely to explode at any moment. I hope she did, she reminds me of the extreme fangirl Sakura use to be in the Academy. Ugh, she use to piss me off!

I smirked and turned away from Karin, hitching Sasuke's cloak tighter around my shoulders and blushing from how warm it felt.

"Let's go."

We all nodded and lept down from the treetops before running towards the Conference building.
Me: Hey guys! That's the end of chapter. 71! I hope you enjoyed it!

Ruka: Why do I have to work with Sasuke?

Me: Because I said so

Ruka: But I don't like him!

Sasuke: Hn

Me: That's not very nice

Ruka: Admit it, Author-chan! You don't like him either!

Sasuke: *Stares at me intensely*

Me: *Sweats nervously* Well....um....I

Sasuke: *Activates Sharingan*

Me: *Eyes widen* I....uh....!

Sasuke: *Activates Susano'o*

Me: *Passes out*

Ruka: Author-chan?!

Sasuke: *Smirks*

Karin: Story_of_Fate13 doesn't own Naruto!

Suigetsu: Later guys!

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