c . 19

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so i was thinking that the next chapter is going to be really long and smutty since its chapter 20 and its a milestone bc normally i don't get very far. idk...

whatever lol


Tyler Joseph

i run after brendon. "wait!" i exclaim, trying to catch my breath. "dammit..."

brendon doesn't stop as i catch up to him.

i grab his hand and spin him towards me. tears stain his cheeks.

"i thought he changed! he told me he changed!" brendon cried. he was utterly hurt. "i liked him! i really did! but now that i see him like this... he's so fucking stupid!"

brendon never swore. he was definitely pissed.

brendon sobs and i wrap my arms around him. "let it out..." i whisper as he cries into my shoulder. "just let it out..."

this is exactly what he did for me when dallon hurt me. my best friend.

the one i thought i loved. the one who showed me happiness. true happiness. not happy with the attention he gave. happy with him.

"tyler! brendon! are you guys okay?"

i turn my head to see troye walking towards us, andy following while dragging josh.

"y-yeah," brendon says. he wipes his face and looks close to normal. "i'm alright."

"yep," i say.

"do you guys want to leave? with dallon still here, it might not be a good idea to stay," andy suggests.

brendon's eyes grow wide. "if it's okay with you guys... i don't want to ruin you guys' day..." he said, looking at the ground.

"don't worry. dallon ruined it, not you. you're our friend, brendon," i say, smiling. i turn to the others. "right?"

"of course!" troye says, flashing an adorable smile.

"yeah!" andy says.

that leaves josh.

he looks at brendon and smiles genuinely.



"what movie do you guys want to watch?" josh calls to the others in the room over. he invited us all to his house to watch some movies. josh and i are looking through the movies together.

a few hushed words were exchanged before troye happily calls, "the lion king!"

josh smiles and grabs the movie from the shelf and we head to the other room.

we made forts and put fairy lights up. it couldn't get any gayer than this.

"looking at it," i say. "this room looks like a gay aesthetic unicorn took a huge shit."

everyone laughs. josh puts the movie in and we get comfortable, snuggling together as brendon, andy and troye are fighting to see who's laying in the middle.

this is perfect.


it sure is babe

um so i think i have feelings for someone and ugh i hate myself for it bc nothing ever comes out good when i have feelings like this


also, i'm super excited for the next chapter. it might come out tomorrow or the day after, all depending on how much time i spend working on it. i want it to be perfect '^'

whatever lol you don't care ok

- sara xo

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