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this is sara and you're reading my shit story. *draws a pile of shit in the air with my wand*


Joshua Dun

apparently andy and i have a lot in common. honestly, why didn't i get to know him before?

he is really attractive...

stop it you fuckboy, you love tyler....

but it couldn't hurt to tease.


"why does school start so damn early?" andy groans as we walk to our first class, biology.

i laugh. "you ask that everyday. it's because they want to deprive us of sleep."

"you answer that everyday," andy sasses.

we both laugh.

we walk past tyler, looking through his locker. he turns around and sees me, eyes widening but andy and i keep on walking. tyler reaches out a hand but pulls it back right away. he just turns back to his locker.

the hell was that? doesn't he hate me?

i shrug it off and turn to andy who's quietly checking his bag to see if he has all of his things.

"are you missing something?" i ask.

he nods.

"let me guess, a pencil?" i laugh as andy's face goes bright red.

i take one out and hand it to him.

"thanks, josh," he says. "by the way, i was wondering... there's a carnival in town, want to go with me? it seems pretty cool and i can pay if you want."

"i'll go, but you're not paying for me. that's the least of my worries," i say, smiling.

"b-but, i insist..." andy stutters, blushing.

i run my fingers through my pink hair. "you're not paying for me and that's final."

andy sighs and looks at the ground. "fine..."



me neither they're fucking boring.


also, THREE of my friends are reading my shit story YES WINNING

- sara xo

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