"What do I do that makes you so mad at me?"

"You do things without knowing the whole truth, and you just mess everything up. Plus someone is a d*** and tells you stuff you shouldn't know." I say getting angry as I say it.

"Well that was uh delicate."

"That was as vague as I could say it. Then again I don't totally know. your whole future. You could get on my good side, again."

"I was on your good side?"

"Yea, actually right now you're funny but a little mean to Naruto."

"Careful don't fall for me or I'll have to kick you out of my house." He says with a smirk.

"Ewe, don't be so full of yourself." I say pushing him away. "Besides I'm more into the mature men, but then there is Naruto . . . " I say and start mumbling to myself.

By the power vested in me, the great and powerful writer, we're going to leave Nell and her friends, and take a trip to Parental Lane. I'm doing this kind of out of order so just to be clear at the beginning of this part we're in our world.

I wake up at 5am like always. I'm definitly not a morning person but I roll out of bed anyway. I grab some work clothes which for me consists of jeans and a t-shirt. I look toward the bathroom debating if I should take a shower. Nah I'll just take one after work. I put the clothes on along with my workboots. I open Nell's door and see they're all passed out. I smile I'm glad they had fun. I head downstairs and get breakfast. Nothing fancy just ceral. I grab a sweatshirt and head for the door.

At work, I find myself smiling like crazy. We get to do fieldwork today. Yes! I bet you're wondering what I do. Well I'm a Wildlife Biologist. Its probably the best thing I could be doing. I mostly work with mammals but today we're working with turtles. My boss explains what we have to do, which I'm not going to bore you with, and we head out. At the worksite, I head for where we had put up hooptraps yesterday. I arrive and up my waders on and get the trap. My co-worker, Ace, helps me identify all the turtles we find. Yup typical day at work. I just dread the winter when we're stuck inside doing- oh God I can't say it- paperwork.

Anyway now I'm in my car heading home. What do I want for dinner? Well we had pizza yesterday, and I know Kathy and Payne will still be there. Mmm. At the next red light, I take out my wallet. I got enough money. I'll take us out to eat, I decide. I get home and find no one? Where did my b****es go? I search the house and only find a note that says:


Sorry for telling you this way, but when we woke up Hidan, Kakuzu, Zetsu and Tobi greeted us. THE REAL HIDAN, KAKUZU, ZETSU, AND TOBI. Not cosplayers or anything. Anyway we are trying to find a way to get them back to their world. If you're reading this which you are, then we found a way and went with them. So we're in the Naruto World. We'll stay there until we have school and then come back, if we can. So please don't freak on us when we get back in 4 days. And no I didn't tell Nell that we will be coming back but I'll drag her by her hair if I have to.

Sincerely Payne and Kathy

P.S. we love you, mommy.'

What the h***? They can't be serious. I look at the kunai that came with the note. It looks pretty real to me. Where the h*** did they get it? They must be playing some form of trick on me. Oh well the note said they'll be back in 4 days I'll wait until then. Then I'll flip a s***. I make some ramen and eat it. Then I take a shower and go to sleep. The next three days were pretty much the same except I kept worring about my kids and debating calling them. On the fifth day, I called as soon as I got up and saw they still weren't back.

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