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3 years later.

"Marie, honey, please stop pacing." Sadie said.

"Im sorry. I can't help it - I'm just so nervous."

"I know, honey. But whatever the result is, I know the two of you can handle it. You've handled much worse." She said, trying to reassure me.

"I know. It's just I know how much he wants this; how much we both want this." I said as I continued to pace their living room.

Suddenly I heard a motorcycle driving up the street. He stopped it on the curb outside his parents house and removed his helmet, revealing his short dark hair. Even though it had been short for the past 2 years, it still took me by surprise sometimes. But he still looked gorgeous.

As he walked towards the house, I tried to gauge how he was feeling by his facial expression. He didn't have huge grin on his face, but he wasn't scowling either. I was desperate to know how it went.

I ran to the front door and opened it before he had a chance to even touch the door handle

"Well?!" I almost yelled at him.

"Could you let me in first, Sugar?" He asked. I stepped aside and he walked in. I closed the door and turned back to him.

"Come on!" I begged. He deliberately waited to give me the answer and I was not amused.

"Killian." I said, sternly.

"Okay, okay. You are looking at Detective Killian Jack Carter, F.B.I." He said proudly.

"OH MY GOD, KILLY!" I jumped onto him, wrapping my arms and legs around him, and he stumbled backwards; almost falling over.

"Im so proud of you!" I said before kissing him a little more passionately than I should have, given that his parents were also in the room.

"Woah guys, save it for later." Jack said. I blushed and Killian put me down on the floor.

"Congratulations, son." His dad said, hugging him, followed by his mom doing the same.

After everything we went through, 3 years ago, Killian decided he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, so after we finished high school, he enlisted in the police academy. The only down side was that it meant that he had to cut his beautiful, long hair. But as hard as it was for him to cut it, he was happy to sacrifice it for his possible future career in the F.B.I. He was a beat cop for year, then was sequestered onto the gang taskforce, which of course, he excelled in. So much so, that he was asked by my dad's boss, to take the detective's exam so he could join the FBI's own gang taskforce.

I on the other hand went to college and trained to be a counsellor, specialising in working with former gang members to help them get a better life. Words cannot express how rewarding my job is.

And that's where we are now.

"We have to celebrate!" Sadie says.

"Actually mom, we'll have to celebrate another time because I am taking Marie away for the weekend."

"You are?" I say, happily surprised.


"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To the cabin." He says.

"Uh... last time I checked, we don't have a cabin." He looks at me and laughs.

"Sugar, I love you, but you can be so dense sometimes. We're going to the cabin."

What is he- Wait! The cabin... as in...

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