Twenty-two - "The world is much more simpler than you think."

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"You're Lawrence?!"

"In the flesh." He said, extending his arms out to the side and bowing, whilst keeping eye contact with us. He pointed the gun back at us both and gestured with it for me to move closer to Killian.

He reached onto his pocket and pulled out a pair of police issue handcuffs. He threw them to Killian and he caught them.

"Radiator." He said. "Cuff yourself to it."

"No." Killian said, flatly. Lawrence aimed the gun at my head and cocked it.

"You wanna say that again?" He goaded. Killians jaw clenched tight, and his whole body stiffened.

"If you lay a finger on her I swear to fucking god I will kill you." I had never heard his voice that low before. It was full of venom and anger. His eyes met mine and I could see the fear consuming him.

He placed one of the cuffs on his hand before placing the other cuff around part of the radiator and looked back at Lawrence.

"Good boy. And I'm not the one you have to worry about." Lawrence informed him. Then he turned his attention to me.

Inside I was terrified. Adrenaline and fear were surging through my veins. But there was no way I was going to let him see it in me. He walked closer to me and I stood completely still; my eyes not moving from his.

"She's a strong one, isn't she." He said. Before I had time to register what was happening, the back of his hand made contact with my face and I fell to the floor.

"NO! DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!!" I heard Killian yell; the clanging and rattling of his handcuffs as he struggled against the radiator filled the air.

I move my hand to my mouth to inspect the damage. I wince as my fingertips touch my now bleeding bottom lip. I shift my body into a seating position and lean against the wall.

"Sugar are you okay?"

"Sure she is." Lawrence said, as he bent down and grabbed my face, hard. I shut my eyes tightly and swallowed, trying to draw as much strength as I could to stop myself from falling apart.

"Im fine." I state, through gritted teeth. I didn't know who I was trying to convince more - them or myself.

"See. She's fine, boy." He let go of my face and backed away. I looked at Killian, but his eyes were focused solely on Lawrence and the gun om his hand.

"Why?" Killian asked.

"Why what?" Lawrence replied, showing a pretend look of innocence.

"Why did you do it? Betray Gary, the FBI, everyone?"

Lawrence laughed.

"Money." He simply replied. He looked at the two of us, obviously confused. "What? You thought there would be some other, more nobal reason? You want me to tell you that the FBI killed my parents and I want revenge? Or how about the Snakes blackmailed me or threatened my family if I didn't do their dirty work? The world is much more simpler than you think. The Snakes offered me more money than the FBI ever could. Plus they have far less rules, and I hate rules."

"You're pathetic." Killian told him. Lawrence walked back over and the hard metal of the gun connected with Killian's temple.

"KILLIAN!" I screamed, throwing myself over to him. Blood was dripping from a cut his eyebrow and I raised my hand to cup his face.

"I'm okay sugar. I'm okay." He said, turning his attention back to Lawrence. They both stared at eachother. Killian glared at him with firery eyes. It was not the kind of glare I'd seen before. I could see in his eyes that he meant what he had said about killing him.

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