Four - "Not today, bitch."

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"It's not funny!" I complained to Jess as she wiped the tears from her face.

"Oh come on Marie, lighten up. You know what your dad is like. Besides it's not like you're a virgin anyway, and your dad probably knows that. At least he's not the biggest prude on the planet like my parents." She said with a sigh.

"Thats not the point. I dont enjoy talking about my sex life at the dinner table. Or at any place with my dad, for that matter. There's a reason I always stayed at the guys place - because I know that if I ever brought a guy home, my dad would do something embarrassing like give him sex tips or something."

"Ew!" Jess said.

"Exactly." I replied.

"So what are you going to do about Killian then?" She asked.

"I have no idea. There's no way I'm going to be able to avoid him, seeing as my dad is intent on being best buddies with his family. Plus we have double English this morning and he has to sit next to me." I hate that ridiculously sexy douche-bag.

Wait, what?

Arriving to English class I saw that Killian was already there. Obviously having learnt his lesson after his run in with Barnes yesterday. However the asshole was sitting in my seat by the window.

Not today, bitch. I walked over and stood still looking down at him. The class hadn't yet begun but he was already reading.

"What?" He said, sternly, not even giving me the courtesy of looking at me.

"You're in my seat."

"And?" He continued to read.

"And I-"

"Ms Drayton sit down!" Mr Barnes yelled at me, seconds before the bell rang. I wasn't stupid enough to argue so I did as he asked, allowing a quiet growl to exit my mouth. Mr Barnes gave us our task for today's lesson, which was to write an essay about the last few chapters we read and what they meant. Simple and easy I thought.


I got about halfway through writing mine when my pen decided that this was the perfect time to run out. I searched in my bag for a other one but I couldn't find any. What was I going to do? I had 2 choices: I could either sit there quietly, not finishing my essay then at the end of the lesson get murdered by Barnes, or swallow my pride and ask Killian for a pen, which leads to him being the one who murders me instead. Wow what great choices!
I chewed on  the inside of my cheek and tapped my useless pen on the paper in front of me as I played decision tennis in my head.

"Uh... Killian?" I whispered, careful not to let Barnes hear. Of course I was ignored.

"Killian?" I whispered again and again he ignored me. Why does he have to be so difficult?!

"Dude!" I whisper yelled.

"What?!" He whispered yelled back.

"Do... do you have a spare pen I could borrow?" I asked.

"You forgot to bring a pen to class? And I thought you were such a bright spark." He said with too much sarcasm for my liking. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists to stop myself from kicking him in the shin.

"No, I didn't forget a pen. I had one; it ran out. Now do you have one i can borrow or not?" I really was trying to be polite. Perhaps speaking through gritted teeth and wearing an obvious fake smile wasn't entirely working in my favour but he could've just helped a girl out.

"Not my fault you didn't think ahead. Deal with it." He said and I couldn't contain myself anger more.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I yelled.

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