Two - "It was like being taught by Voldermort."

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The medicine that I picked up for Thomas must have worked because I actually got a full nights sleep. I woke up to my alarm ringing at 6:30 am. I got out of bed, stretched and immediately walked over to the window to look at my neighbours house. There was no motorcycle outside and i wondered if what had happened last night was a dream.

A weird dream where a sexy giant man intimidates the shit out of me.

I dressed for the day, put on a little make up, let my naturally wavy hair down from its top knot and made my way downstairs.

"Morning dad." I said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Morning sweetheart." He replied.

"How's Tommy doing this morning? You want me to feed him?" I asked. Ever since my mom died I tried to help out when I could. My dad worked his ass off to provide for my brother and I so I figured the the least I could do was help out where I could.

I had originally offered to get a part time job to help out but he insisted that my education came first. As much as he annoyed or embarrassed me - which he did, alot - I was still incredibly grateful to have such a kind and generous dad. Alot of kids in my school weren't that fortunate so I was very aware of the privileged position I was in to be able to focus my attention solely on my school work rather than helping to keep a roof over our heads.

"He's much better. And no, I don't have to be in the office til later so I can feed him."

I poured myself a cup of coffee then made  cereal and sat at the breakfast bar.

"Did you hear the motorcycle at 5am this morning? Godammn thing woke me up." He said.

It wasn't a dream after all.


"Earth the Marie." My dad said, clicking his fingers.

"Uh.. no I didn't hear it."

"Are you okay?" He asked noticing something was on my mind.

"I'm fine." I lied. "I gotta go pick up Jess. I'll see you later. Love you." I kissed my dad on the cheek.

"Have a good day. Love you too." He replied. Thankfully it hadn't snowed anymore since last night so driving to Jess' was risk free. Although that didn't stop me driving at 2 miles per hour out of my street just in case there was any more ice.

I arrived Jess' house 15 minutes later and honked my horn. As usual Jess bounced out of her house, her long brown hair flowing in the wind as she made her way to my car.

"Hey." She said as she got in and closed the door.

"Morning" I replied before driving away. "So, I had the most terrifying experience of my life last night." I told her as i drove away.

"Really?" She asked and I told her about my run in with Killian.

"Dude that's insane! You know now that you're going to wake up in the middle of the night, with him standing over the end of your bed."

She was way too excited about that idea. Jess was was one of those girls who thought boys being mean to girls, or stalking them, or not taking no for an answer, shows how much they love the them. She didn't see how creepy, entitled and damn right scary that kind of behaviour was. I on the other hand would be very quick to kick any man in his special place if he tried to creep into my bedroom at night.

"Don't say that! It seriously freaked me out."

"You can't deny he sounds very Edward Cullen. Very sexy." She said, excitedly.

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