Three - "Because, dearest father, you're an asshole."

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"Hey dad, Something smells yummy."

"Hey sweetheart. How was school?" He asked as he stirred a pot on the stove.

"Aside from having to deal with Satan himself, it was okay"

"Satan?" My dad asked with a chuckle.

"Yes. Otherwise known as our lovely new neighbours' eldest son, Killian."

"And why exactly is he Satan?"

"Because he is a giant, monumental ass." I said matter of factly. "Yes i know - swear jar." I added before he had a chance to tell me. This one was totally worth it.

"Well, I hate to tell you angel, but the Carter family are coming over for dinner tonight."

"What?! Oh come on, dad! Its bad enough that I have to deal with him at school, but here, too?!" I groaned and put my head down into the counter.

"I know, dear. Your life is so terrible right now but while you're dealing with that, how about you go wash up? They'll be here in an hour." He said.

"Urgh!" I said walking out of the kitchen.

"Very mature. Marie." He yelled and I secretly flipped him the bird as I stomped upstairs.


An hour later my father called me down stairs. I left my room but stopped at the top of the stairs and took a deep breath to mentally prepare myself. I'm 18 years old god dammit - I'm not a child. I should not- no, I will not let some jumped up biker boy intimidate me. I was going to give as good as I got. My little pep talk complete, I made my way downstairs to hell.

"You all remember my daughter, Marie." My dad said to them as I walked into the living room.

"Yes, Marie it's lovely to see you again." Sadie said as she engulfed me into a hug.

"You too."

Jack walked into the kitchen with my dad. Daniel was sitting on the chair by the window and Killian was sitting on the sofa; legs spread wide and arm over the back of it like he owned the place. Asshole.

But even I have to admit, albeit begrudgingly, that he did look gorgeous. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt that, because he was sitting down, pulled tighter around his body so that I could see every miniscule movement his breathing made. It took all my strength not to drool. I realised that Jess may have been rubbing off on me. I made a mental note to throw something at her when I saw her next.

"So Killian tells us you have English class together?" Sadie said. He's been talking about me? I should throw something at him instead of Jess.

"Uh-huh." I replied, gritting my teeth and throwing them a fake smile.

"Your dad says you love to read, and Killian always has his head in a book so I think you two would make great friends." she added, with a proud smile. I stole a look at Killian and he was looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

For dinner my dad made Killian and I sit next to each other because he thought it would be good for two kids our age to 'bond'. If by bonding he means me stabbing Killian in the leg with a fork, then sure.

"So Marie, is the beetle outside yours?" Sadie asked.

"Yeah. It's my most prized possession." I said with a smile. I heard Killian snort beside me.

"Yes?" I turned to him.

"Nothing." He replied shaking his head.

"Marie, just eat your dinner please." My dad Interrupted with a sigh.

"No. Obviously I said something funny and I'm interested to find out what that was." I turned my body towards Killian awaiting a response.

"Just someone like you.." He looked me up and down. "..loving that thing on your driveway - It's so not surprising."

"Not surprising? Coming from a walking talking cliché such as yourself, that doesn't mean much. I mean tell me, Killian, does the motorcycle come with the black clothes and the emo bad boy attitude or did you have to buy it separately?" I mouth curled into a smirk and he gave his signature glare in return.

I looked across the table to see my dad and Killian's parents exchanging glances and giggles.

"What?" I asked.

"It's nothing, sweetheart." Sadie said, glancing at my dad and her husband again. I rolled my eyes. I swear they were like children.

"Killian and Marie, sitting in a-" Daniel started singing but there was a bang from underneath the table.

"OW!! MOM! Killian kicked me!" Daniel yelled.

"Daniel, stop teasing Killian. Killian stop assaulting Daniel." Sadie reeled it off without even looking at them like she had said the same sentence hundreds of times before.

"So Marie.. have you got your eyes on any boys?" Asked Sadie.

"I wish." My dad answered before I got the chance.


"What? You're 18 honey - you should be playing the field; having some fun and making me worried that you're going to get pregnant." He added. I closed my eyes hoping that went I opened them I'd realise that this was just an embarrassing dream.


"I dont even think she's had a boy in her room, you know." He said to Jack and Sadie

"Oh my God, dad! Can you stop?!" I looked down at the fork in my hand and contemplated jamming it into my own neck. Killian snorted and my thoughts switched to stabbing him in the neck, instead.

"What about you Killian? Any girls on the horizon?" My dad asked.

"Oh he gets so much attention from girls, but he never brings any home. We actually thought he was gay for a while." Jack said.

"Im not gay, dad." Killian practically growled, through gritted teeth.

"You can't blame us for thinking that, son. I mean you've never bought a girl home, and Lord knows when you were a child your hand was practically glued to your penis after you discovered it, so naturally we just thought seeing as you had a fascination with your own penis, perhaps you would grow up and be fascinated with other people's penises."

I literally choked on the food in my mouth, i was laughing so hard. His parents are worse than my dad! The look on Killian face is something that I wish I could frame.

"Jesus Christ dad!" He responded, angrily, dropping the cutlery he had in his hands onto his plate with a loud clank. I continued laughing and he shot me that glare again. But really, compared to how i felt the first time I saw it after I hit his bike, it wasn't scary at all now.

"Shoes on the other foot, now, huh?" I leaned in to him and whispered. His response was to growl at me.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay, son. It's nothing to be ashamed of. You are who you are and so long as you're happy that's all your mother and I care about." Killian rested his elbows on the table and pinched the top of his nose. It may have been childish on my part but damn I was enjoying that moment.

The rest of the dinner wasn't nearly as embarrassing. Killian and I spent the evening ignoring each other.  As they left Sadie promised that we'd all have dinner at their place later in the week. I decided that I might 'accidentally' get sick that day. Or jump into the lion enclosure at the zoo. Whatever.

As my dad closed the door behind them, I picked up my purse and walked up to my dad, handing him some money.

"Five dollars?"

"It's for the swear jar." I explained.

"Right." He replied still confused. "Why?" He asked.

"Because, dearestfather, you're an asshole." I turned and walked upstairs, leaving my dad chuckling in the living room.

"Love you too, sweetie. Goodnight."

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