Seventeen - "Did I Marie Drayton actually make the badass Killian Carter blush?"

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Inside the bag was the most beautiful gown. It was a gorgeous shade of dark green, floor length, with delicate spaghetti straps.

What is all this? Is he taking me somewhere?

I decided to take his advice and not ask anymore questions. After a shower, I started to get ready by firstly curling my red hair into soft waves than reached down to my lower back. I took the make up from the box and applied a light smokey eye, then a little contour and highlight, finished with a little lip balm.

Next was the dress. I stepped inside and pulled it up my body. As I looked in the full length mirror on the inside of the bathroom door I was blown away by how perfectly the dress fit.

There was a small amount of cleavage, but not too much so it still looked classy. It hugged my upper body, accentuating my waist and hips before falling to the ground, gracefully. I couldn't help but stare at myself in the mirror. I looked really good.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I jumped.

"Are you ready, sugar?" I made my way to the door and took a deep breath before opening it.

My mouth widened when i saw him. He was standing in front of me wearing a black tux, with a white button up shirt and a black bow tie. His hair down as normal but a little neater. In his hand was a gorgeous dark white corsage.

He looked incredible.

When I looked back up to his face, his eyes were all over me and his mouth was wide open like mine was.

"Sugar, you… you look… absolutely beautiful." He said, then swallowed. His face was flushed and I realised he was blushing. I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you. And you.. I had no idea you would look this good in a tux." I told him and he clearly blushed again.

"Are you blushing? Did I, Marie Drayton, actually make the badass Mr  Killian Carter blush?" I teased.

"Shut up." He playfully said. "Here. this is for you." He held the corsage to me and I lifted up my hand for him to attach it to my wrist.

"It's beautiful." I said. He took my hand and led me down the stairs. "So where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see." As we made it to the bottom of the stairs I could hear soft rock music playing from the direction of the living room, which the door was closed to. We walked over and he stopped us.

"I know all of this is so hard on you and you've been really scared since it all started. I wanted to do something for you to take your mind off of it, even just for one night. I had an idea so, I got Gary to speak to my parents, your dad and also your friend Jess for them to help me. I've never done anything like this before for a girl so I hope it's okay and that you like it." He was nervous and it was actually quite cute. He opened the door and lead me in the room.

There were Christmas  lights all around the room, pinned to the walls. There were red, orange and yellow paper leaves hanging from the ceiling and a table in the corner with snacks and a bowl of punch. As I looked around something caught my eye above me and I looked up to see a glitter ball. He took my hand and turned me around to face him.

"Will you go to the fall dance with me?" He asked softly. I couldn't stop the tear that fell from my eye.

"Oh god sugar, don't cry. I'm sorry." He said in desperation.

"No its… I'm not upset, I just.."  I looked around the room again.

"Nobody has ever done anything this beautiful for me." I wiped the tear from my eye and he smiled.

"I know that being stuck here means that I can't take you to the actual dance, so I thought I'd give you the next best thing." I couldn't stop the giant grin from making its way across my face.

I couldn't believe he did this for me. When we first met, I thought he had this arrogant, bad boy attitude that enabled him to do what he wanted, and he didn't give a shit about anything.

I was wrong.

Behind the dark clothes, long hair and motorcycle is this incredibley sweet, thoughtful person. I could not fault him in anything he has done since we went on the run.

"You really are amazing, Killian." I told him.

"So is that a yes? Will you do me the honour of being my date to the fall dance?" He asked me again. "Well, our version of it, at least."

"Yes." I smiled. He broke into the biggest smile and my heart nearly gave out.

We spent the next few hours drinking punch, eating far too many unhealthy snacks and dancing like idiots. As it turns out, Killian can do a pretty mean robot.

At one point I had to use the bathroom and when I came back, the music had stopped.

"Why did you turn off the music?" I asked him.

"I'm just changing the song." He replied. As John Mayer's 'Slow dancing in a burning room' came on.

Killian walked up to me and extended his hand. He didn't say anything but I was he was asking.

I gave him my hand and he lead us to the centre of the room. He put one hand around my waist, and held my other hand up by his shoulder. I put my arm around his other shoulder and we started slow dancing. It was the most wonderful experience I had ever had. We didn't talk, or communicate in anyway because we didn't need to. There was only one thing I needed and it had me in its arms already.

As the song was coming to an end, I took my hand from his and wrapped my arms around his neck, and rested my head on his chest. He reciprocated by wrapping both arms around my waist and rested the edge of his chin against my head. When the song ended, we carried on dancing in silence; neither of us wanting the moment to end.

After a while, I couldn't stop the yawn from leaving my mouth and I felt Killian laughing.

"Someone is tired." He said

"No.." I replied. He pulled out of the position we were in.

"Ita okay, sugar. It's been a very long day." He said. Another yawn made its way out. "Okay, come on. I think it's time to go upstairs for bed."

"But I'm having an amazing time." I protested with a childish pout and he smiled.

"Me too." He said. "But it's okay. I'm a bit tired too, actually." I didn't want to go to bed yet, but I couldn't deny, even to myself, that I was tired.

"Let's clean up first." I suggested.

"No no sugar, I'll do that. You head up to bed." He told me. I nodded my head and walked towards the door before turning back around.


"Yean?" He said. I walked back over to him, reached up on my tip toes and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"Thank you." I said.

"What for?"

"For this. For tonight. For everything. You've been so amazing these last few days and I really appreciate everything you've done for me." I smiled and he pulled me into a hug.

"You're welcome, sugar." He said and I yawned again. "Okay, that's enough. Bedtime for you. I'll see you in the morning." He said, releasing the hug.

"Goodnight, Killian."

"Goodnight, sugar."

After taking a shower and getting changed into pj's I got into bed. But I couldn't fall asleep because I kept thinking about Killian. Tonight was the most beautiful night of my life. I wanted to thank him again. I wanted so badly to go into his room but what if he doesnt want me to? Then I think back to this morming and what happened in his bed, and what would have happened if his uncle hadn't have called. And of course what he did for me tonight -  he was into it; into me. I was sure of it.

I'm going to do it. I'm going to go to him.

I got up and quietly left my room and stood by his bedroom door…

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