Twenty One - "This whiskey is like truth serum."

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"I need a drink."

"Yeah." Killian said. "Actually I think there may be a bottle of something in here." He got up and pulled out each drawer of the filing cabinets.

"Jackpot!" He exclaimed, lifting out a bottle of Jack Daniels from the back of one of the drawers.

"Can we take it upstairs? I need a break from all of this." I asked.

"Of course." He said with a smile.

Once we get upstairs, Killian lights the fire in the living room and pours us a glass of whiskey. He sits on the sofa and I sit on the other end with my legs on his lap.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." He said.

"When we first met, when I Uh... knocked over your bike.." He gave me a fake angry look and I laughed. "You came out and picked up your bike, but when you looked at me you seemed... surprised? Why was that?"

"You saw that, huh?" He said, seemingly embarrassed. "Uh... Well... my parents had told me about you so I knew who you were, but they didn't tell me that you were-" He stopped.

"I was what?"

"How beautiful you were." He looked down at his glass in his hands. "It just... caught me of guard I guess." He took a sip of his drink and as soon as the glass was away from his lips I swung my legs off of his lap moved over to him and pressed my lips lightly against his.

When I pulled back he was blushing. Knowing I did that to him, made me feel warm inside.

"Plus those Olaf pyjamas totally gave me a boner." He smirked.

"Dude!" I yelled, lightly punching him on the arm and sitting back down on my side of the sofa.

"Okay my turn." He said.

"For what?"

"We're playing questions now, so it's my turn." He had a look on his face like an excited 14 year old.

"Ok fine. But no childish questions like what's your bra size." I told him.

"32C." He states.


"What?! How did-"

"I've seen them, remember." He flicks his eyebrows up and down. Images of last night came to my mind and my face flushed.

"Yeah, but how did- You know what? Never mind." I gave in. "What's your question?"

"That night we met... What was your first impression of me?" He asked.

"Honestly?" He nods. "My first thought was Jesus Christ this man is incredible looking! Very quickly followed by 'oh my god he's going to murder me, chop me up into tiny bitesize pieces and turn me into a people-casserole.'" I told him honestly and he laughed.

"I wasn't that scary, was I?" He said and I raised and eyebrow.

"Have you seen you?" I say with a laugh. "See it from my side - this giant of a man comes stomping towards me, demands I give him my keys, then moves my car before slamming my keys on top of it and stomping back to his house and slamming the door behind him. All while only using 2 words " He nods in realisation.

"Okay you may have a point. But am i as scary now?"

"Nope." I answer instantly, without hesitation and he looks at me, feigning disappointment.

"I've seen you naked, dude. Nobody is intimidating in their birthday suit." I said and he choked on a mouthful of whiskey.

"Way to boost my ego, Sugar." He says sarcastically.

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