Seven - "She's not a death trap, she... has character."

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I woke up again to the familiar warm and orange blur.

"You passed out again." His soft, low voice came from above me. As my eyes focused I realised my head was in Killian's lap. I sat up quickly and pushed myself to the other side of the sofa.

"Don't move too quickly or you'll pass out again. You're lucky I have quick reflexes and was able to catch you before you fell down the stairs."

"Uh.. thanks." I told him. I was so used to him being an ass I wasn't sure how to deal with him being... well, not an ass.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"A little after 5pm." He replied.

"Oh shit! The school is going to call my dad and they'll think I've skipped!" I began to get up off the sofa but to my complete surprise Killian stopped me.

"Hey." He said softly. As he reached out and gently pressed on my shoulders, sitting me back down.

"You're not in any trouble. My dad called the school pretending to be your dad and told them you were sick." What?!

"Wh- I mean how..? What?!"

"And your friend, Jess? She texted you asking where you were so I replied on your phone and told her also that you were sick and went home." This is... I dont even have the words right now.

Creepy. Yeah that's a word i could use. Creepy.

"Why would you do that?! And why would your dad pretend to be my dad?! And... what the fuck is going on?!" I was getting seriously freaked out. It was good that he, for once, wasn't yelling or glaring at me, but this was way too creepy.

"Is this some kind of plot to kidnap and murder me after what I did to your bike?" I ask, nervously. He surprises me once again by letting his face open to a smile and then he laughed. If it face wasn't so drop dead gorgeous, I would have punched it.

"No, I have no plans to kidnap and murder you. Not yet anyway." I raised an eyebrow at him to let him know I didn't find it funny. "Like I said before, I brought you here because the everyone would've asked too many questions so it was easier to tell everyone you're sick."

What about my questions?!

"That doesn't make sense - if everyone thinks I'm home sick, what if they call my dad? He still thinks I went to school." I can already tell by the look on his face that he has an answer for that too. I sighed.

"Okay, where does my dad think I am?" I ask.

"Oh he knows you're here."

"So he knows what's going on, then?"

"No." He replied.

"For the love of God Killian will you just tell me what the fuck is going on?!" Why is he making this so damn difficult?

"Again, will you calm down? My mom told him that I needed some tutoring and that you had agreed to help." This is getting ridiculous.

"Okay, look. I'm sorry for what happened with your bike the other night. And I'm grateful for you helping me today after I stupidly knocked myself out. But can you please try and see this from my perspective? I woke up in your basement, having no recollection of how i got here, to be then told that you and your parents have lied to my school, my best friend and my dad to hide what really happened. Can you not see how fucking scary that is for me?" I couldn't help the tears that had started to form in my eyes. Despite my usual sarcasm and attitude, this whole thing was actually starting to scare me. I pushed back the tears and took a breath. "I'm asking you please, Killian, can you tell me what is going on?."

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