Twenty three - "Is... is he... dead?"

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"NOW!" Killian shouted as he sprung up.

I pulled back my arm and slammed the glass into Lawrence's face as hard as I could. He screamed out in pain and Killian threw himself onto him; both of them hitting the ground with a crash. Killian tried to grab the gun but Lawrence got it first. They were fighting over it and all i could think of was what would happen if the gun going off.

They rolled around on the floor vying for power over the weapon; blood pouring from Lawrence's face as they struggled. Tears were streaming down my face and i had no idea what to do. Then it came to me.

I quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed the whiskey bottle and as hard I could I bludgeoned Lawrence's head with it. It shattered at the first hit and his body flopped onto the ground.

Killian rolled off him onto his back and lay there for a second breathing heavily. He picked himself up and saw me standing over Lawrence, with the neck of the bottle still in my hands. My breathing was short and fast and when Killian gently touched my shoulder I flinched and dropped the last remaining piece of bottle.

"Are you okay?"

"Is... is he... dead?" I manage to stutter out.

"Just knocked out." He said, much to my relief. "But are you okay?"

"Y... yeah.." I looked up at him covered in blood.

"Oh my god are you hurt?!" He seemed confused for a moment then looked down at his blood soaked clothes.

"Oh, no. Its his blood. I'm fine." He said. "We gotta go."

He bent down and picked up the gun and pulled me out of the living room into the dining room.

"Shouldn't we be leaving?!" I asked.

"We are." He said as the bookcase opened and we made our way downstairs; the door slamming and locking behind us.

"But there's no way out down here."

"Yes there is." He said, not going into anymore detail. And for once, I didn't ask anymore questions.

We made it to the office at the end of the corridor and Killian went straight over to a portrait on the wall above one of the desks. He pulled the portrait from the wall to reveal a safe. He punched in a code and the door swung open.

He put his hand inside to pull out a wooden box and placed it on the desk. Inside was another gun and bullets. He loaded the weapon then placed it in the back of his jeans, before reaching back into the safe and took outa set of keys and a cell phone.

All I did was watch him. He was calm and collected and knew exact what to do.

"So how do we get out from here?" I asked.

He didn't reply but walked to the back of the office where two filing cabinets stood aide by side. He wrapped his arms around one and lifting it like it was made of air, he moved it away from the wall.

"Is that a tunnel?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Yeah. It leads underneath the cabin and along towards the gates. There's an old shed down there we need to get to."

"Why do we need to go to the shed?" I asked but he had moved away from me and was looking at the security cameras. The familiar black SUV has pulled up in front of the cabin and 2 men had gotten out and were walking towards the door.

"Shit, we gotta go now.!" He said, almost pushing me into the tunnel. As we ran along it, he handed me the cell phone.

"Call your dad. Tell him what's going on and to send guys up here now." I nodded and dialed hia number.


"This is a surprise sweetie, i-"

"Listen dad they're here! At the cabin! We need help now!" I yelled.

"Oh my God are you okay?!"

"Were okay, but dad, Lawrence is the mole!"

"What?! Are you sure?!"

"Very. Listen we don't have time to explain it all, but he's currently knocked out on the living room floor, and Fredo and some other guy are about to break in the house. We're in the tunnel underneath the cabin trying to escape but just get your people here now." I demanded.

"You need to tell us where you are. Lawrence and Gary are the only ones who know the address and Gary is missing." He said.

"Gary's what?!" I yell. Killian looks at me.

"Gary's missing." I tell him.

"Of course! That's how Lawrence knew to bring pizza over. He must have gary's phone.." He realised.

"You need to tell my dad where this place is." I handed him the phone and he gave my dad the address. I tell him that we'll check in soon and we say our I love you's and end tbe call with him promising to send the cavelry our way.

We reach the end of the tunnel and through the door at the end is a metal ladder attached to the wall with a wooden door on the ceiling. Killian climbs up first, opening the door slowly to check that it was all clear. Once he saw it was fine, I climbed up.

We had entered exactly what Killian has said we would - a shed. Only it was bigger than average and contained a plain, black, pick up truck. He told me to get in, while he opened the double doors in front of us. He delicately searched around to make sure nobody could see us, then walked back inside and climbed into the truck.

We slowly edged out of the shed, then down the last few yards of the driveway to the gates. Killian quickly jumped out, ran over, opened a silver box and pressed a big red button to allow the gates to open.

As soon as they were open, we sped through them and were flying along the road. Within seconds, multiple police cars past us in the direction of the cabin.

"Are they going to the cabin? Should we..."

"We need to get out of the area. I think there's a motel a few miles out so we'll hold up there until we get word from your dad." Killian said ans I nodded.

We pulled up to the motel, which was alot better than the last one we were at, and Killian went inside to get us a room. When we got into our room and Killian locked tbe door behind us, I just stood in the middle. We no nags or belongings with us it was an odd feeling. I felt almost out of place.

I eventually walked over and sat on the bed and he sat beside me.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"We wait"

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