Eleven - "And before you rip my face off for waking you up, I have coffee."

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Something soft and warm was wrapped around my arm. It was lightly shaking me then a voice called out in the distance. The voice got closer and closer until it felt like it was inches from my face.

"Sugar?" The shaking began again. "Sugar, you gotta get up. We need to leave soon."

My eyelids felt like they were 10 tonne weights and took all the energy I had to lift them. When I eventually pulled them up, my eyes focused on the captivating green eyes softly staring down at me. I lifted my hands to my face to rub the sleep from my own eyes to stop them from closing again of their own accord.

"What time is it?" I blearily asked.

"Just past 7am." he replied. "And before you rip my face off for waking you up, I have coffee." He added. I sat up and he handed me the large cup and I took a sip. As the delicious caffinated warmth enveloped my body I decided to let him live.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked. I took another sip of coffee and I hauled myself out of bed.

"About an hour. I wanted to plan the rest of the route to the safe house. I also filled Melinda up with juice and of course got us some coffee." He said.

"Oh, well let me give you some money to cover it." I picked up my purse and took my wallet out.

"Don't worry about it." He said, putting the last few things of his in his bag.

"Please, it's not fair for you to pay for it all. At least let me contribute." I pleaded, holding some money out towards him.

"Sugar, you're in danger because of me. The least I can do is pay for what we need. Okay?" As much as appreciated his kindness, I was nothing if not stubborn. I stood there with my arms crossed, looking at him.

"You're not going to let this go are you?" He realised and I shook my head. "Fine. How about you buy us breakfast?"

"I can do that." I smiled.

"There's a diner not too far along this road where I got the coffees from, so let's get our stuff together and we can go eat before getting on our way."

"Okay." I agreed. I grabbed a white wife beater and underwear from my bag, along with the hoodie and jeans I was wearing yesterday and went into the bathroom to change. Once I was dressed, I put on a little make up - just because we were being chased by a gang who want to hurt us, doesn't mean I can't try to look at least semi decent. Afterwards I picked up my pyjamas and the rest of my stuff from the bathroom and took them back into the room to pack away.

A few minutes later we were ready to go, so with one last check of the room to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything, we grabbed our stuff and went to my car.

As we got in the car I noticed a man standing in the parking lot, leaning against a street light. He looked to be in his mid forties, with greying brown hair and was dressed in blue jeans and a black jacket. His eyes were on me but when I made eye contact with him he walked away.

"Hey, you okay?" Killian asked.

"Uh... yeah. Yeah I'm fine, just zoned out a little. Shall we go get breakfast?"

"Let's go." He said.

30 minutes later we were sat at the diner with empty plates in front of us, and stomachs full of pancakes.

"I'm going to use the little boys room and then we can hit the road." Killian said before leaving the table. I took some money from my purse and placed it on the table for the waitress, and picked up my phone.

I had told Jess that I decided to go to my aunts with Tommy for the week so she had text me asking how it was going. I replied with a generic answer about my aunt being nice and Tommy and I enjoying ourselves. I hated lying to her but I couldn't tell her what was really going on.

I also realised my dad hadn't text or called since I'd seen him the previous morning. It seemed a little weird because he'd usually let me know how he was doing when he had to work away. I figured he was probably just busy and I made a mental note to call him later.

My attention was taken away from my phone by the bell above the door ringing and I noticed the same guy that was loitering outside the motel. He looked around the diner like he was looking for someone and when he made eye contact with me again, he quickly looked away and walked up to the counter, taking a seat.

The little hairs on the back of my neck rose and I knew something wasn't right. I put my phone and wallet onto my purse and kept my eyes on the men's bathroom, waiting for Killian to come out.

After what felt like an age, he emerged and I practically ran to him.

"You okay? What's wrong?" He said, noticing the worry on my face.

"I... I think we're being followed. See the guy at the counter in the black jacket? I saw him at the motel as we were leaving. He was staring at me then and did the same here." I told him.

Killian looked over my shoulder at the man.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about him, he's-"

"He's what?" I asked. Killian took a few seconds to answer.

"A friend." He simply said, walking us towards the exit.

"A friend?" I enquired as we walk towards my car.

"Yes." He replied. I really hate this vague answer thing he does.

"Could you be more specific?" I said getting in the car.

"Don't worry about it for now, okay?". He said. But I was not done. I leaned over and grabbed the keys from the ignition.

"What are you doing, Marie? We need to go."

"We're not going anywhere until you tell me who that man is. You should have remembered after what happened the other day, that I don't like half answers. Now tell me who the fuck he is!" I demanded.

He rubbed his face with his hands let out a sigh.

"He's FBI, okay? Now will you give me the damn keys?" He held out his hand.

"He's what?!" I yelled and he tried, a little too late, to cover his ears.

"Stop yelling! Look, once we get to the safe house I will explain in more detail who he is but we need to leave now, okay?" I stared at him, debating whether I was going to accept that as an answer.

"Marie, can I please have the keys so we can go?" He held up his hand again.

"You better tell me everything when we get there. I'm serious Killian, I deserve to know the truth."

"I promise, you will get nothing but the truth."

"Okay." I said, placing the keys into his hand.

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