Five- "...and you can climb the giants beanstalk."

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I woke up to my dad knocking on my bedroom door for to wake up. I groggily looked at my alarm clock that was telling me, with attitude I swear, that it was 6am.

"Dad do you know what time it is?!" I yell, shoving the covers back over my head.

"I know I'm sorry sweetie, but I've been called into the office on an emergency so I need to leave as soon as possible." I dragged myself out of my bed and opened my door, with my eyes still half closed.

"What do you need me to do?" I asked yawning.

"Take your brother over to the Carter's in about an hour. Theres another bug going around his nursery and I don't want a repeat of the other day so Sadie has been very kind enough to offer to watch him." He explained.

I swear the universe is conspiring against me to put me in scenarios where an encounter with Killian is likely. But, after what happened when Tommy was sick last time, Killian really was the lesser of two evils.

"Sure dad." I tell him

As I promised, an hour later I had my brother dressed and ready to go. I picked him up, along with his diaper bag and I walk across the street. I notice the infamous motorcycle on the kerb and I try to spot any scratches or damage on it as I walk by, but I don't seem to see any. Son of bitch is angry at me for what happened, and yet there isn't a single scratch?!


I walked up to the house and knocked, hoping, no - praying, he's not the one to answer.

Please don't be him.
Please don't be him.
Please don't be him.

The door opened.


His eyes widened upon seeing me, but quickly narrowed themselves again. Neither of us said anything; just stared at eachother. It almost became a game of who will speak first and whoever does, is the loser.

"Who is at the door, Killy?" His eyes widened in horror and the sides of my mouth instantly rose when I heard what she called him - Killy. So cute! as soon as he saw me smiling, he stalked off, leaving me standing on the step.

"Sadie?" I call.

"Oh Marie, yes you're dropping off you're brother aren't you?" She said coming to door and taking Tommy from me.

"Thanks for having him." I told her

"Oh its no trouble at all, really. I miss the boys at this age." She said, sighing.

"I bet there were far less stressful to deal with." I said, making her laugh.

"I would much rather deal with dirty diapers multiple times a day than deal with teenage hormones." She said.

"I bet." I said. "Anyway, I better get going to school. Thanks again for taking Tommy." I told her as i walked away from their house.

"No problem, sweetheart. Have a good day." She shouted my way and i waved goodbye.


I decided to spend the morning in the library due to having two free periods. I had been intending to spend the time doing some actual work but my mind couldn't help but wander to things I shouldn't be thinking about. Or more specifically, one thing I shouldn't be thinking about.


I didn't know why he was in my head. He was the biggest ass I had ever met. He had done nothing to me but snap or yell or demand me to do stuff. And yet all i wanted to do is run my fingers through his hair. It was ridiculous. And pathetic.

I'm not usually that person; the person who gives a second thought to someone who treats them like crap, and that's why it was frustrating me so damn much. There was something about him that was drawing me in. I hated it.

If someone acted like a douche towards me then I payed them no mind. Why should I waste my time trying to be nice to someone who doesn't give a shit? That was how i lived; how i dealt with people. And yet, I want to know more about Killian. I want to get behind those mesmerising eyes and find out why he is the way he is. Something told me that he wasn't just an ass; that there's a reason behind the way he acts.

"Marie!" Jess yells as she walks into the library, earning a glare from Ms Cornell, the librarian. Jess rolled her eyes as she walked over to me and sat down at the table.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have math?" I asked her.

"Yeah but Mrs Finch went into labor in the middle of class. Her water broke all over the floor - it was gross." she explained. I couldn't help but laugh at her nonchalance about it.

"So you decided to come and annoy me?"

"Yup." She said, popping the 'p'. For once I was glad she was here to annoy me. Anything to take my mind of Killian.

"I was thinking we should go shopping this weekend." She suggested.


"Dresses, duh! For the fall dance." Oh. I'd completely forgotten about it. "It's only 2 weeks away."

"Do we have to go?" I asked. Despite knowing the answer.

"Yes." She said. "And before you protest by saying that we don't have dates, who cares? This isn't the 50's - we can go stag. Plus, it means we have free range to flirt with lots of boys and have some sexy fun, afterwards." She said, winking.

The last time I had some 'sexy fun' was 6 months ago.

"I suppose we could make an appearance." I said to Jess. She immediately got up and walked around the table to me, wrapping her arms around me and planting her lips on my cheek.

"Thank you thank you thank you!"

"Ew, Jess, no need for the saliva." I said, wiping it from my cheek.

"I can't wait." She grinned. "And hey, maybe Killian will be there and you can climb the giants beanstalk." She said winking again.

"Jessica!" I scolded.

"Oh please. Do not tell me you havnt thought about him naked." Was it that obvious?

"...I know I have." She added.

"Of course I haven't." I lied.

"Bullshit." She said. "He is an adonis. If you don't jump on him, I will."

As she said that, a strange feeling rooted itself in my stomach. Was it jealousy? It couldn't be, though. I wanted, to get to know him sure, but he was free to do whomever he pleased. It didn't bother me. Not at all. Nope.

"Well, I know for certain that when you walk in that room in a beautiful dress, Killian and every other guy in there will have their eyes soley on you." She said with a sincere smile. I've never been particularly self conscious or ever really hated how i looked, but one of my favorite things about Jess was that she always made you feel good about yourself. She'd never been the type of girl who slated other girls appearances, and I loved her for that.

"Thanks, Jess." I said.

"Anytime, babe." She said as i packed up my things.

"Come on. It's lunch now and I am starving." I said to her.

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