Chapter 7

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2 updates in the same week go me

It's been three days. I persuaded my mom into letting me stay home for a couple of days. Like I said before, she just kinda understands me. But... all good things must come to an end. Even though this is not good at all.

I was able to hide the cuts by wearing sweatshirts around the house.. but I don't know what I will do for school. Maybe a different sweatshirt and a bunch of bracelets? But it might be too suspicious.

Eh, who cares. Nobody ever does care, am I right?

I hear a light knock at my door and my mom peeks her head out.

"Hey honey," she says, taking a step through the threshold and closing the door. "You feel like going to school today?" Her eyes are warm and soft, and pitiful. I don't need her pity. I don't need anyone's pity.

"Don't want to. Still am though." I shrug. "Can you go so I can change?" She nods and turns to leave, the look of pity not leaving her eyes.

I pull out a gray hoodie from my closet and some leggings. After putting them on I slowly make my way downstairs, my feet dragging with every step.

"She's alive!" Kian jokes, trying to lighten the mood. I give him a small smile and grab an apple. I pull my sleeves up a little bit, making sure they don't slide down and expose my wrists.

Right after I had finished I hid the razor and washed any blood drips off the counters. I had grabbed a few of the huge band aids and covered them all up, and immediately put on a long sleeved shirt.

"Livie." Kian slaps me and I grab my stinging cheek.

"What was that for?!" I narrow my eyes at him as my lips turn down into a frown.

"I told some people to make sure Amelia and her new posse stay away from you. Hopefully they won't be a problem today. Now come on, we have to go to school."

"Is Hayden taking us again?" I groan.

"What is you're problem with Hayden? He's actually pretty cool once you get used to all the bad vibes he sends out." He crosses his arms. "Stop bullying him, Olivia." He teases, meaning to be harmful. But I stiffen at the word 'bully' and his face drains of any color.

"Wait a fucking second Olivia..." His eyes narrowing in suspicion. "What happened on Tuesday?" He demands.

"I'd rather not talk about it..."I trail off, looking at the ground.

"Olivia. I'm not 'asking' you what happened. You're going to tell me because I will not take no for an answer." He walks up close enough that I can see his feet a few inches from mine.

"Please Olivia?" His voice softens. "I just want to help you." The corners of my mouth turn down into a scowl.

"I don't need your help," I huff. "I can do it myself." I see his surprised face as I walk out the door, his mouth wide open in shock. I've never been so harsh to him.

I don't need his help. I can do it on my own. I don't need to fix the problem either, I deserve to suffer. I deserve this.


It's lunch. I have a decision to make. Do I want to go eat in the cafeteria and get humiliated publicly, or do I want to eat somewhere else?

Humiliated publicly.

I push open the doors to the cafeteria and make my way towards Kian's table. Amelia used to sit here, but I'm sure she's long gone by now, probably with Sierra and Auburn.

"Hey Liv." Kian calls to me, patting on the seat next to his. I sit down and eye the tray of food in front of him. My eyes land on an apple, which is probably the most appealing item on his plate.

"Are you gonna eat that apple?" I mumble.

"Nah," he says and hands it to me. I take a bite out of it and prepare for what's coming.

Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. Do I really need to turn around? I already know who it is. Sighing, I turn around anyway.

"Sierra." I nod. I feel Kian straighten up beside me, so I nudge him with my shoulder to stop him from doing something stupid.

"I can handle this on my own." I whisper through clenched teeth. Everyone's always pitying me, protecting me from things they think I can't handle, and I'm sick of it.

"How're you doing, Olivia? Oh wait..." She says placing a finger on her chin. "I already know how you're feeling. Mind telling everyone how you're feeling Livie? Or do you want me to tell them myself?"

"This is none of your business, Sierra." Kian growls. I elbow him in the ribs, hoping it will successfully shut him up.

"But it is my business Kian. You're sister made it my business when she betrayed Amelia. I'm not going to let her get away with it." By now, everyone in the cafeteria is watching, dying to hear what's going on.

Sierra suddenly turns her back to me to face the cafeteria.

"Attention, everyone. I want to let you in on a little secret." I flinch, anticipating her next words.

"Our fellow classmate Olivia here is kinda sad. When I say sad, I mean depressed. She probably goes home everyday and cries her self to sleep. It's pathetic." She spits. "You want to know what I think? I think she's just pretending to be depressed, for attention. Maybe she wants people to pity her so people will actually notice her for once in her life. And you know, maybe she might even get some friends along the way!" I hear people snickering, pointing, whispering to each other, and that's when I hear Kian's faint voice telling Sierra to shut the fuck up.

My visions turning black. I can hardly breathe. What's happening to me? Am I dying? I hope I'm dying. I deserve to die.

I deserve this.

I NEED HELP AGAIN SOMEBODY😂For months now I've been trying to find a certain book on here. No, it's not the same one I was talking about in the last chapter, I found that already😂 This book goes something like this: It's about a girl who is driving a car for her brother maybe? I think her brothers name is Travis. I don't remember. He was drunk and she didn't have her license, and it was snowing and they were in woods, sort of. The girl sees a red van I think and she crashes, she always has nightmares about this night and I turns out the guy she's starting to love is the person she hit. Does anyone know this because I have been looking for this book for sooo long😂 I've already read it I just need to know the title

okkk well I'm pretty sure this books name is It all Started with a Dare but idrk

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