Chapter 1

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I hear my alarm go off and I groan loudly, turning over on my bed to shut the it off. Today marks the first day of my Senoir year of High School. After this year, I'm off to college.

I yawn and swing my legs over the side of the bed.

"Olivia, are you up?" I hear my mom call from downstairs. I sigh inwardly and put my head in my hands. I'm awake, but I'd rather be sleeping.


"Yes mom, I'm awake," I call, then walk out my door and over to the bathroom.

"What do I do while I'm asleep?" I stare at my reflection in th mirror, where my usually straight brown hair is pointing in different directions and sticking out at weird places.

"There is no way I will be able to tame this beast today," I heave a sigh and make my way towards the shower.

I turn the water to the big blue C. Today I really need to wake up, and I don't think a hot shower is going to do enough.

I step into the shower, the cold water raining down on my back, making my hair stick. I take out my favorite Bath and Body Works shampoo, Cinnamon Bun Heaven, which I currently have shipped to me through Amazon.

Ah, Amazon is one of the few human creations I am very thankful for. My bed, my phone, and Amazon are the three best ones, in my opinion.

I turn off the water and grab my fluffy blue towel. My brothers, Kian, is just plain old white, and my sisters, Faith, is pink. Faith is eleven, and she is going through a stage where she loves anything that is pink. Kian probably couldn't care less what his towels color is. He's my twin, so he is the same age as I am, seventeen. He's four minutes older than me, and to him, those four minutes mean everything.

'Oh Olivia, since I'm four minutes older than you I should be able to do this. Oh Olivia, I'm four minutes older than you so you can't come in my room, blah blah blah'.

Seriously. Its only 4 minutes. Its not like he was born 5 years before me.

As you can probably tell, he's freakishly annoying, but I still love him. Most of the time. At the moment, I'm not so sure.

Kian's been pounding on the door for about six minutes, and it's really starting to piss me off.

"Kian, stop." I open the door and push past him.

"Liv, wait-" He starts but I cut him off before he can finish.

"You know, seeming you're the only one who really knows whats happening in my life, you sure seem to like to piss me off." I say, turning and walking away.

Kian is the only person who knows that I'm depressed. One night I was about to start cutting and he walked in right as I pressed the blade to my skin. He ran over to me and demanded to know why I was doing this to myself. But I couldn't talk. So I just cried. I cried into his shirt for half an hour, and then explained everything.

When I was thirteen, I started feeling self conscious. I always worried about what people thought about me, and whenever somebody was whispering I couldn't help but think it was about me. I started to feel like my friends didn't like me, and that nobody really did like me. That they were just pretending they did. I felt like I had no best friends, because it seemed that everytime I thought I had found someone, I was always wrong. I had a big group of friends, but no best friends. I felt completely alone. So I bottled up my feelings and went on with my life and never told anyone about my emotions.

When I turned fourteen, I took tests online that told me if I was depressed or had certain types of depression. One test said I scored 76/100 on the depressed scale. I took a test specifically made my a professional on depression and it said I had Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder. Anything could set me off. Mood swings affected my everyday life, I lost most of the friends I had. I drifted away from everyone, and not even Kian could make me happier. I didn't enjoy anything I used to, I just went to school, came home, and locked myself in my room.

Then, when I turned seventeen six months ago, Kian became determined to make my life happier. I sat with his table at lunch. I guess you could say that it got a little better, but not by much.

But just like I did when I was thirteen, I bottled up my emotions, put on a happy face, and continued with life.

I open up my closet and look at all the clothes that somehow manage to fit in there.

"Olivia, hurry up or your breakfast is going to be cold!"

"I know mom, I'm getting dressed!" I call. What am I supposed to wear?

I throw my hands up in the air, giving up. I reach in and grab a loose fitting maroon v-neck. Alright, thats okay.

I cross my fingers and reach in again. I pull back my hand slowly, and start jumping up and down excitedly when I see I pulled out light blue ripped jeans.

I slip on the jeans and pull the shirt over my head and run down the stairs in a rush.

"Too late, your breakfast is already cold." My mom turns to wink at me.

My mom and I are pretty close, but she still doesn't know about the depression. I don't really want to tell her, because I don't want to change her image of me. If I tell her, she would only pity me. I don't want her pity.

"Who cares. Its still food," I grab my eggs and bacon, my eyes widening.

I gasp. "You made me bacon?" I put a hand to my heart. "My favorite."

"Oh stop being dramatic, you don't have to cry over bacon." She rolls her eyes and fills her own plate with her breakfast.

I sit down at the island and practically inhale the food. Faith looks up from her plate to me, and makes a face.

"Slow down Liv, you don't want to die," I give her a thumbs up but don't slow down my pace. I finish my breakfast in a matter of minutes. I put my plate in the sink and hurry back up the stairs.

"Kian hurry up!" I bang on the door just like he did to me.

He opens it up and I push past him and quickly make my way to my toothbrush.

"Why are you in such a rush?" He chuckles and I don't bother looking at him.

I brush my teeth and stare at him creepily until he leaves. When I'm done I grab the hair brush and tame my frizzy hair.

I take a glance at myself and smile a little. I look pretty good today.

"Olivia! Your ride is here!" My mom calls. My friend Amelia drives me to school a majority of the days. She's the closest thing I have to a best friend.

I met her while sitting at Kians table, and that's when I found out she drives him to school. She offered for me to come with, and I had happily accepted.

"Bye mom!" I wave to her and head out the door.

Here's to the start of a new year.


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