Chapter 15

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Hey guys! Sooooo sorry for the late update! Had to change the name, as I found another story called 'Well This Is Unexpected' on here, I wanted to be unique! xD Plus it wasn't very catchy D: The new cover was made by the amazing Cherryp2!


Herriek’s POV

Good… good… all is proceeding according to the plan. Just a few more days! A few mere hours and I will be leaving this place, never to return. I shall die in my rightful birthplace, as prophesied.

Darren’s POV

The blackness slowly started to fade as I sat up. I shake my head to clear it as I survey the room around me, weird. While Jayden is looking panicked and regretful, Tina is just emotionless and staring at the floor.

“What’s eating you, Jayden?” I manage to croak. I clear my throat as his head snaps up, only a little relief dawning on his features.

“It’s Kaycee…” He starts; he cuts off, unable to continue.

“Aw, damn… She saw all that? Don’t worry, man, she’ll understand that we couldn’t tell her.” I sympathise, trying to comfort my best friend. This doesn’t seem to relieve him at all, though. In fact, if anything, he looked even more panicked by this fact.

“It’s not that. It’s… he… they took her, Darren… they took Kaycee.” 

I’d never seen my friend so hopeless in his life, he’d always been the one by my side, happy or disapproving… or annoying occasionally… but never hopeless. It was… disturbing.

“What?!” Both mine and Jayden’s heads’ snapped in Tina’s direction, it was the first emotion she had shown… well, all day.

“They took Kaycee.” Jayden repeated.

“But-  How-  Why?” Tina asks, confusion taking over.

“I don’t know, maybe he thought they could use her as blackmail, or a bargaining tool, or something.”

Tina’s eyes narrowed in anger, an evil glint shining in them. I guess she’s back to normal, then. 

“Wait a sec., I just wanna clear something up. What’s been wrong with you all day, Tina? You’ve been acting like the Ice Queen.”

“Darren, I really don’t think this is the time for that, do you?”

I just raise my hands in surrender to save argument… Yeah… that’s why.

“Now, I think I’ve got a plan… but you two are going to have to listen, very carefully. It’s crucial that everything goes exactly to plan, or Kaycee is gonna have to spend the night wherever they are keeping her… Who knows what they’ll be doing to her?” She looked pointedly at Jayden on the last sentence.

We quickly nod, neither of us wanting to see anything bad happen to Kaycee, and she starts to elaborate on her plan.

Kaycee’s POV

I slowly open my bleary eyes, and I’m greeted with a familiar sight. I’m behind the curtains of the stage in our schools theatre.

What am I doing here?

It’s pretty dark, with no light coming from the gaps underneath or at the sides of the curtains.

It must be night time, then.

I can hear soft, hushed voices coming from the other side of the curtain, one I recognize as the guy from earlier, who I was supposedly going to be spending the night with tonight. Well, not on my watch.

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