Thirty Four

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-What do you mean he is pregnant? He can't be pregnant! He is a guy! He has a dick, a fucking dick! I've seen it! I said loudly.
Denis wrapped his arm around my waist, trying to calm me down. I looked at him. He looked pale and scared. His eyes had lost the normal happiness and honestly it scared me to see him like that.
The nurse gave me a kind smile.
-Denis was born with both male and female reproductive organs. Didn't your parents tell you about it? She asked my scared boyfriend.
He shook his head and I took his hand in mine, giving him a squeeze.
After we had thanked the nurse, we went back to the bus, which was parked outside the hospital.
When we got in, Sam and Cameron instantly got up worried, while James remained sitting and playing a game on his phone.
-So...What's wrong with Denis? Asked awkwardly Sam.
-I'm pregnant! Said Denis and all the guys gave us a look.
-Guys, don't joke! This is serious! Said James standing up and turning off his phone.
-We aren't joking! We are being serious! Protested Denis.
-How can you be pregnant?! You are a guy! You have a dick! Please, don't tell me that you are transgender! I don't have a problem with it, but I think you should probably had told us....
-JAMES! Stop fucking rambling! Denis isn't transgender! The nurse said that he was born with both male and female reproductive organs. It can happen! I explained and the three looked at me shocked. are pregnant? Asked Cameron and Denis nodded.
Sam and James looked at each other, before they nodded.
-CONGRATULATIONS! They screamed, jumping on us, while Cameron was filming it.

Road Trip (Brustoff)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt