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-SHUT UP JAMES! I screamed at James.
-I will do what I want! I'm punk rock! Was James's reply.
-Stop quoting Michael Clifford! Told him Cameron, looking through the window at the landscape.
James had been singing pop songs that were on the radio for already two hours, getting us on the nerves. Poor Denis had to drive carefully and listen to James' awful singing.
As James stared singing Anaconda by Nicki Minaj, Denis grabbed my hand and stared playing with my fingers.
-I love you! He whispered.
-I love you, too! I replied making him smile.
-Will he ever shout up? He asked, as James stared singing the bridge.
-I don't think so! I answered and he frowned.
-No! Don't be sad! I told him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
-I could never be sad with you next to me! He whispered with a smirk, making me smile.
-What are you lovebirds whispering about? Asked Sam with a small smile on his face, making us blush and shut up.
Suddenly, James' singing stopped. I turned around and looked over the seat to look at James, who was trying to catch his breath. I breathed in relief and relaxed on my seat. But, then Ariana Grande came on the radio and we all groaned as James stared singing in a high and girly voice.
Denis, who was so fed up, turned off the radio and put an Of Mice&Men CD on, that I didn't even know about and wondered where James had found it. He took a deep breath and looked more relaxed than before.
-Much better! He mumbled making me, Cameron and Sam laugh, while James was "crying" on his hands.
-Don't be such a baby! Told him Cameron.
James looked up quickly.
-You guys are so mean! He gasped, before he stared "crying" again.
-WE ARE HERE! Cheered Denis, making us all forget the small conflict.
We all ran out of the car and into the hotel and then straight into our rooms. I jumped on the bed and closed my eyes. As I began to fall asleep, there was a knock on the door.
Denis cursed under his breath and opened the door. I opened my eyes to see James and Cameron with little Sam following behind them. They sat on the bed next to me, as Denis put his head on my chest, looking at the guys, who smiled at both of us.
-So, what's up? I asked them.
-I don't know about you guys, but I want to go home! Said Cameron.
-You sound like a five year old! I joked and he gave me the finger.
-I agree with Cam! Mumbled Sam and James nodded. I looked at Denis, who nodded tiredly.
-Okay, then! We are leaving tomorrow! I informed them and they nodded.
-And I'm going to drive! I added, but the guys looked unsure.
-You sure? Asked James.
I nodded.
-I'm feeling better, guys! Don't worry! I told them and Denis gave me a kiss on the forehead, making me smile.

But the truth was, that I wasn't 100% sure, if I was really okay.

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