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I opened my eyes and looked around. The rest of the guys were still sleeping peacefully. My arms were still wrapped around Denis' waist. I smiled softly to myself and got up carefully, so I wouldn't wake Denis up.
I packed all of our things and even chose outfits for the guys. After I was dressed and had brushed my hair, I called the room service and bought food for the guys and myself.
After five minutes that the room service arrived, the guys woke up. Sam, James and Cameron got up and thanked me for everything, while Denis was still lying in bed. He tried to stand up, but he groaned in pain.
-What's wrong with him? Asked James, jokingly.
I ignored him and rushed to Denis side.
-Do you need painkillers? I asked, but he shook his head.
He looked up at my worried face.
-I'm going to be okay, Ben! I'm not dying! He promised me and I frowned.
-We shouldn't had began with anything yesterday! I hate seeing you in pain! I whispered to him.
He didn't answer.
I took him in my arms bridal style and carried him to the sofa. I put him between James and Cameron, who looked at us confused, and then gave him some food.
-I'm okay! He told me and pushed the plate away.
-Denis! I said sternly.
He looked down.
-I'm not hungry! He protested.
-You have to eat baby! I told him.
Now, the guys were more confused than before.
-But...He began, but I cut him off.
-Denis, it's not your fault, okay? You didn't let me down yesterday! You are perfect and god damn sexy and also my everything! I love you too much to lose you, so please eat! I pleaded and everyone's eyes went wide.
Denis took the plate from my hands and began eating, as I gave him a kiss on the forehead.
-I love you, too! He whispered and I smiled.

I followed the guys to the van. Today, it was my turn to drive.
I sat on the driver's seat with Denis next to me. Sam and Cameron were behind us, while James sat alone on the back seat.
I took some deep breaths and began driving. We passed the hotel and after thirty minutes, we reached the highway. Everyone was sleeping by that time, so I was technically by my own.
  The sky was becoming darker and darker,so I had to drive more carefully. Suddenly, I found myself driving through the forest that was outside the town we lived.
I looked at Denis and the memories from last night came back in my mind. His painful face from the pain that I caused. The tears on his cheeks. That he refused to eat. What if it happened again? What if I hurt him harder? What if he couldn't take the pain?
My lungs were on fire. I tried to breath, but it was too much. Suddenly, I found a place, were I could park and that's what I did.
I opened the door and jumped out the van. I felt down on the grass, looking at the sky and still trying to breath. I could hear movement in the van, as the guys woke up and realized that I wasn't driving and that I even wasn't in the van.
-BEN! I heard Denis scream and the running to my side.
He kneeled down next to me and took me in his arms. I rested my head on his shoulder, as he gave him a kiss on my forehead.
-It's okay, Ben! Everything is alright! We are here and we are never going to let anything happen to you! Breath, babe! Breath for me! I don't want to lose you! He said, calming me down with his soft voice.
James carried me back to the van, where he put me on the front seat, behind Cameron,who was driving, and Denis. He, then, sat behind me with Sam.
There was an uncomfortable silence. The guys didn't know what to say and I sing know either.
-You okay now, babe? Asked Denis, looking at me through the mirror.
I nodded and smiled, when Sam's house came in vision.
  James drove me and Denis to my house, where I ran to my bed with Denis following.
-I missed my baby! I mumbled jumping on my bed, making Denis laugh.
As my head hit the pillow, I instantly fell asleep.

Road Trip (Brustoff)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें