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I'm really sorry for not updating in so long! I had a problem with my arm and I couldn't write! Also, thank you so much for the 720 views! It's a dream come true guys!

I followed Denis in our room, where Cameron, Sam and James were waiting for us.
-How the hell did you get in here? Asked Denis with his cute accent.
-We have our ways! Smirked James, before he stared laughing.
-How was the date? Asked Cameron.
Something was wrong with him. He was uncomfortable around us, it was obvious. He didn't even look at us, just the floor.
Sam didn't look good either. He looked like he could start crying at any moment. Something happened to that two, while we were out.
Denis didn't seem to understand that Sam and Cameron were in a bad mood, because he stared squealing like an emotional fangirl.
He ran to James and showed him his bracelet making him smile.
-I hope that Ben didn't do anything stupid! Sam mumbled.
-Of course not! He was a gentleman! Replied Denis, pronouncing every word.
I smiled at the sight of him.
Finally, Sam, Cameron and James went to their rooms, after we had decided that we would leave tomorrow. Next stop, Pennsylvania.
I jumped on the bed and lied down waiting for Denis. As he lied down next to me, I kissed him.
The kiss was sweet and caring, but it stared to get more and more heated. Suddenly, Denis pulled away.
-Can we take it slowly? He asked opening his eyes.
I gave him a kiss on his cheek and took his hand in mine.
-Of course we can! I told him and he relaxed.
Denis put his head on my chest and closed his eyes, falling asleep instantly. I wrapped my arms around his waist and gave him a kiss on his forehead.
At that moment, as I watched Denis sleeping in my arms, I realized something. I didn't like Denis. No.

I was fucking in love with him.

I know it was a short chapter, but I couldn't write more since my arms hurts. What are your thoughts about this chapter? I hope you liked it! Love you guys!

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