Twenty Two

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I looked at my Instagram notifications, which were blowing up. All the comments were positively, saying how cute we were, that they were waiting so long for us to realize that we were perfect for each other and how hard they "shipped" us. I smiled at the sight of our fans supporting us and trying not to laugh really loud because of the comments that our close friends were leaving.
-Ladies and gentlemen, we are landing in 10 minutes.... Was the thing that got my attention.
I looked at James and then at Denis, who looked like he was gonna pass out. I grabbed one of his hands and James the other.
-Hey! It's okay, buddy! Nothing bad is going to happen! Told him James softly, while I gave him a kiss on the forehead.
Denis nodded nervously.
After we had landed and after Denis had taken a lot of deep breaths, we got off the plane and into the tour bus.
-Congratulations! Said our guitar tech to me and Denis and we both smiled.

I was lying on my bunk, looking at the ceiling, when someone was climbed in. At the begging I thought it was James trying to rape me, because it was really dark, but then I realized that it was my sweet boyfriend.
-What's wrong? I asked him, as he rested his head on my chest.
-I can't sleep! He mumbled and I stared playing with his hair.
Soon he was out.
I looked at him and thought about how happy I was and how sad my life would be, if I wasn't with Denis. I would be an emotional disaster and I would listen to My Chemical Romance, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Black Veil Brides, Shawn Mendes and 5 Seconds Of Summer all day.
At that moment I made a promise; I would never let anyone hurt Denis. But, we all know that promises break, right? And that's what happened the next day at our concert.

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