Twenty Four

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I ran behind the paramedics and jumped in the ambulance sitting next to Denis' stretcher. I took his hand in mine and squeezed it hard,while I wiped the tears away from my cheeks  with my other hand.
I looked outside the window to see James, Cameron and Sam following the ambulance in a cab. I looked down at Denis again.
The paramedics were cleaning the blood from his hair and face. His beautiful eyes were closed and you could easily think that he was sleeping, if he wasn't that pale. His T-Shirt was covered in dirt and a bit blood, too, and his jeans were badly ripped.
I didn't realize that I had stared to cry again, until a female nurse looked at me with pity. She had to be around forty-five to fifty.
-Best friend? She asked softly.
-Boyfriend! I replied still crying.
She smiled at me softly.
-He is going to be okay! Don't worry! She said, trying to calm me down.
Suddenly, Denis opened his eyes. They weren't bright and happy like usual. They looked dead and I could only see pain. He groaned.
-Is going to be okay, Denis! I'm here! I told him and squeezed his hand.! He managed to say between groans and moans from pain.
-I love you too, Den-Den! I replied and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Denis smiled, before he closed his eyes again. The paramedics looked now really worried.
We finally arrived at the hospital and even before I could stand up, they were bringing Denis to the surgery. I rushed to the waiting room and collapsed on a chair, starting to sob.
The guys came in after some minutes and Sam ran instantly to me side, wrapping his arms around me and letting me cry on his shoulder. I felt myself being picked up and then I was sitting on James' lap, who wrapped his arms around my waist and stared rocking me like a small child.
-He is going to be okay,Ben! Denis is a strong kid! Said James trying to calm me down.
I nodded still sobbing. I needed to know, if my baby was okay. I needed my baby here, because he was the reason I was still fighting.

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