Twenty Eight

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I know that this chapter is really short, but I'm trying my best

I helped Denis stand up and changed into normal clothes, while Sam was talking to the doctor about his anxiety pills.
Denis took a deep breath and got in the tour bus. The doctor had allowed him to sing at the concerts, but because he wasn't in a state to jump or stand for a long time, we agreed to have him sit on a chair, while the rest of us would run around the stage and do stupid things like always.
  Denis went to the bunk area and climbed in his bunk. He rested his head on his pillow and took deep breaths.
-You okay? I asked worried.
The doctor had said that for one or two weeks it would be really hard for Denis to breath normally. That's why physically or sexually activity wasn't allowed. Denis' lungs wouldn't work normally. So, technically Denis was in a state like if he had lung cancer.
He nodded.
-I'm fine, it''s just hard to breath! He answered and closed his eyes.
After a few seconds, his breath was back to normal. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and he opened his eyes, looking at me.
-Thank you! He said and I raised an eyebrow.
-For what? I asked.
-For everything! He smiled and I gave him another kiss on the forehead.
-You guys are so cute that it makes me sick! I heard James say from the front lounge.
-Shut up, dude! I yelled, making Sam and Cameron laugh.
I looked over at the other couple. They were sitting on Cameron's bunk holding hands and were looking at Denis with concern, but they still looked happy with each other and although I was really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really worried about Denis' health and lungs, I still was happy for them.

Road Trip (Brustoff)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن