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I woke up still cuddling Denis. I tried to stand up, but his grip was too tightly, so I couldn't move without waking the poor kid up.
I carefully grabbed my phone and checked my notifications. I answered some messages from fans and close friends, while playing softly with Denis' hair. I smiled at myself.
After thirty minutes the Sleeping Beauty woke up. He looked confused for a moment, but then he smiled.
-'Morning, Benny boy! He said.
-'Morning! I replied smiling.
Denis smiled back and stood up.
-Where are you going? I asked.
He smirked.
-I'm just going to change into some comfy clothes. Did you think that I was going to leave you here alone? Is Benjamin scared of losing me? He asked making me blush.
-Fuck off! I replied.
He laughed and took off his shirt, putting his black tank top on. Then he took of his pants and put his black jeans on, wrapping his red shirt around his waist and grabbing his leather jacket, before putting his boots on.
-Are you checking me out? He asked me, taking me off guard.
I didn't answer, because I was too embarrassed to do so. Denis smirked. I swear this boy is going to be the death of me.
  I stood up and changed into a black T-Shirt and black jeans with my boots. I felt Denis looking at me, while sitting on a chair near to where I was changing.
-Take a picture, it will last longer! I told him and although I wasn't facing him, I knew I made him blush.
He stayed quiet and I smirked and turned around, so I was facing him, and stared walking to the direction, where my phone charger was. Suddenly, I tripped over Denis' bag, losing my balance and falling on Denis, straddling him. Our lips were so close, almost touching. I could feel his cold breath on my cheeks. I closed my eyes and went closer to him, while he put his arms around my waist. Our lips were almost touching, when there was a knock on the door.
-Are you fuckers up yet? I heard James saying.
I quickly got of Denis, hearing him cursing under his breath. I opened the door to find James and Cameron.
-Where's Sam? I asked.
-His downstairs waiting for us! Now let's go! Answered James, before grabbing my hand and dragging me behind him to the lift. We got in and soon Cameron and Denis got in too.
I looked at the floor, to afraid to look at Denis. My thoughts were making my head a mess, giving me a headache.
-You okay, Ben? Asked Cameron, before I could think some reasons, why I heard Denis swearing.
-I'm fine! I lied, but James and Cameron believed me. I knew Denis that didn't, but I honestly didn't care.
I followed my friends to the breakfast area, where Sam was already sitting eating some bread with Nutella, while drinking coffee.
-'Morning! He told us.
-'Morning! We all replied, before sitting down next to him. I sat between him and Cameron, not wanting to be near Denis.
A waitress came to take our orders and I got lost in my thoughts, before I heard Sam calling my name.
-I don't want anything, thank you! I told the waitress, before she left.
The guys looked at me confused.
-Are you sure that you are okay, Ben? Asked James with concern.
-I'm perfectly fine, guys! Don't worry about it! I answered and the guys let the subject go.
I looked at Denis, who was looking at his shoes, trying to hold some tears back. I stood up and hugged him.
-What's wrong? I whispered in his ear, while I felt his tears falling on my shoulder.
Denis pushed me away and ran off leaving us behind worried.

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