Twenty Six

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I looked at Denis, who was lying on a bed. He was wearing one of this hospital dresses, which didn't suit him at all. His hands were connected to so many machines that I couldn't count. He was really pale and he had an oxygen mask on his mouth and nose, so he couldn't speak. A bandage was wrapped around his head, where the bottle had hit him.
The thing that scared me the most were his eyes. They were emotionless and so dark that for a moment I almost forgot that Denis had brown eyes and not black.
I rushed next to him and took his hand carefully in mine, so I wouldn't hurt him. He gave me a little squeeze, while James came and stood behind me, resting a hand on my shoulder.
-I love you, Denis! Everything is going to be okay! I told him and the only thing he could do was nod.
Sam took his other hand and drew circles with his fingers.
-You don't know how much you scared us! Ben almost hit a nurse for not telling us anything about your condition! Said Sam and James and Cameron chuckled, while I blushed and looked down at the floor.
Denis tried to smile, but winched in protest. Suddenly, he stared to cry.
-No,no,no! Don't cry! Said Cameron softly.
But it didn't help. Denis cried harder.
I gave him a kiss on the forehead and looked directly at his watery eyes.
-Denis, everything is going to be okay, you are going to be okay! We aren't going to let your sight, we are always going to be here! We all love you, the guys as a friend and family, but my love is different and you know it! So stop crying,because I'm gonna cry too and you don't want to here me cry like a wale! I told him, trying to calm him down and it worked.
As Denis had fallen asleep, Sam looked at me.
-You care a lot about him, don't you? He asked.
-He is my life! I replied and gave Denis a kiss on the forehead.

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