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We still were driving to Seattle. Well technically Sam was still driving us to Seattle and he looked exhausted as fuck.
-Do you want me to drive? Asked Cameron, who had climbed on the passenger seat, since I was still sitting next to my boyfriend. Boyfriend. I could get used to the sound of it.
-It's okay! Mumbled Sam, trying to keep his eyes open.
-C'mon,Sam! I don't want to die today, so let Cam drive! Protested James, who was playing games on his phone.
Sam sighed and parked at a gas station and got out. Cameron sat on the driver seat and James sat next to him, giving the chance to lie down on the middle seat of the van.
Cameron smiled at the sight of the sleeping Sam and no one talk. We didn't want to wake him up, because we knew how tired he was.
I looked outside the window, still holding Denis' hand. Suddenly, I felt a weight on my shoulder. I looked down to see Denis sleeping with this mouth sightly open. He looked so peaceful, innocent and cute. It made me smile.
-You like him a lot, don't you? Whispered James.
I nodded.
-I do. I care about him a lot, too!
James and Cameron smiled.
-You guys are so cute together! I always shipped you guys! Whispered Cameron making me blush.
James smiled quietly, trying not to wake up Denis and Sam.
-I ship you and Sam! I whispered to Cameron, making him blush.
-We could think about this! He mumble and my eyes went wide.
-You like him? I said really really quietly.
He nodded making me smile and James frown.
-That means that I'm forever alone! He mumbled.
-You have Brandi! Laughed Cameron quietly.
-And your drooms! I told him.
He gave me the finger, while Cameron was trying to stay quiet, while he was laughing his ass of.

Road Trip (Brustoff)Where stories live. Discover now